Cheapo People Abused Pay-As-You-Like Durian Charity Event, With Some Paying $4 for 6 Durians

Oftentimes, we are willing to spend lots of money on delicacies.

Image: Giphy

We can spend up to six dollars on a beverage called bubble tea…

If we are told that when we spend money on food, and that that money also contributes to society, we would probably also pay more. For a good cause, right?

Well, it turns out that people become even stingier when spending money on good causes.


A local durian merchant, Durian Kaki, recently organised a pay-as-you-like promotion for charity, for Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home.

Image: geographical

It was meant to be a fun and enjoyable way for the durian-loving community to come together and do something for the less

This meant that all the durians up for consumption had no price-tag and you could pay however much you like.

As Singaporeans who are generally well-to-do, it would be expected to pay more than the standard selling price to contribute to charity.

Image: Facebook (Durian Kaki)

However, the eventual earnings fell way short of expectations because of cheap customers. In fact, there was a deficit.

The owner of Durian Kaki had wished to raise about $15,000 for charity.

He had spent about $10,000 to bring in the durians, which meant that it would have been better if he had just donated the money.

The owner said that each “Grade A Mao Shan Wang” durian sold at the charity event should be worth approximately $36 each, which translates to $24 per kg.

However, people are just unwilling to spend that much on durians.

The owner said that up to one-third of customers had actually paid less than $10 per kg of durians. 

Image: Giphy

Bro, you’re a cheapskate.

There were some people who paid as little as $4 for the durians, clearly going to the event simply to take advantage of the free prices.

Not everything is gloomy though, there were also plenty of people who bought into the spirit of the charity drive and paid way more than they should have.

There were apparently some customers who paid $600 for two durians and other generous amounts.

There was also a woman who could not make it for the event, but wanted to do her part and hence donated $3,000 without eating any durians.

Image: Giphy

A round of applause please for this amazing person.

Despite the setback, Durian Kaki is still taking it in stride, and thanked the people who have turned up to support the charity.

Good Day KakisThank you for the great turnout yesterday. We appreciated the effort every dividual who came despite the…

Posted by Durian Kaki on Saturday, 14 December 2019

Can spend on bubble tea then can spend on charity la…