4 Men Charged for Clarke Quay NYE Party; 1 Had Put on Spiderman Costume in Another Gathering

No Way Home?

More like Nowhere To Hide.

Yup, we’re talking about the New Year’s Eve Clark Quay gathering, where the guests literally and figuratively had nowhere to hide from both the government and COVID-19 throughout the superspreading event.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you probably already know the details of this recent, infamous incident. But if you don’t, we’ve got you covered here.

Quartet Charged for Breaching SMM 

On 25 January, today, four men were charged with failing to adhere to safe distancing measures and not wearing masks.

The four men were Harjaz Singh, William Alexander Brooks-Potts, Verma Pulkit and Kotra Venkata Sai Rohankrishna, all between the ages of 19 and 22. Their exact ages and nationalities were not disclosed.

They will be expected to be back in court on 8 February.

Additionally, the Urban Development Authority (URA) also mentioned that another four people who were present at the event had been fined $1,000 each for flouting safe distancing measures.

Additional Charge for… Spiderman?

No, the court’s not charging Spiderman.

The court is, however, charging Kotra for allegedly attending another event in a Spiderman costume with three other people. It was also reported that he had interacted with approximately 20 people at that gathering.

Well, at least the four of them didn’t dress as the Avengers when they participated in the Clarke Quay countdown. That’d have been really ironic, doing the exact opposite of saving the world.

(Also, with the Chinese New Year holidays coming up, don’t let history repeat itself, OK. Not even if you’re dressed up as the four main characters from Journey to the West.)

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Apart from Kotra’s additional charge, it was also reported that Verma and Singh are potentially facing another charge regarding the breach of COVID-19 rules.

Those charged with breaching COVID-19 related rules can be fined up to $10,000, jailed for up to six months or both.

So, just a heads up from us: If you don’t want to be giving away your angpow money to the government, don’t forget to adhere to all the rules during the upcoming Chinese New Year holiday!

As for the four men, it’ll probably be the most expensive countdown they’ve ever participated in.

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Featured Image: TikTok (@shihanahnafshoeb) & Instagram (@adminsgfollowsall)