Image of CNA’s Tweet About School Closure Due to Wuhan Virus is Fake

Pray tell me, what would you do if you see this screenshot?

fake cna tweet

Oh, you believe it?

How about this?

Totally not Photoshopped

Now you know what’s going on, don’t you?

Image of CNA’s Tweet About School Closure Due to Wuhan Virus is Fake

I’ve no idea who’s so sick to have come out with this, but the CNA’s tweet about school closure is fake.

CNA themselves have come out to debunk it, saying that it was doctored from this Tweet:

Image: CNA

In addition, they added that these are the tell-tale signs:

  • Tweets sent out by automation service would not include hashtags
  • The watermarked Mediacorp logo on the image is outdated

Though I’ve to admit that unless I work in the digital department in CNA, I won’t have spotted the tell-tale signs.

I mean, I didn’t even know what is.

And for the watermarked logo, I won’t have noticed it—who looks at watermark?

This means you’d better inform more people about this fake news as it looks rather real to me. I’d have believed it at first glance.

Fake News About Wuhan Virus Monitored by Facebook

It was only this morning that CNA reported about how Facebook is tackling fake news about the Wuhan virus in Singapore.

Facebook partners with AFP to fight fake news in Singapore, and there is a fact-check reporter working on Singapore content remotely from KL. It was announced on 30 January that the social media giant will proactively reduce or remove misleading contents about the Wuhan virus.

But of course, with a doctored screenshot that might have been circulated in a closed platform like WhatsApp or Telegram, it’s a bigger problem.

The solution? Bookmark MOH’s website and get your parents or grandparents do to the same thing.

And also, subscribe to’s WhatsApp service.