Couple Accused Of Making Maid Pour Hot Water On Herself & Forced Her To Drink Water Mixed With Floor Cleaner

Here we have another case of alleged maid abuse. Seriously though, what’s wrong with people these days?

Is it really that difficult for us to treat each other with basic respect? We’re talking about another human being here! Just because you’re the employer doesn’t make you “better” than your maid.

If anything, committing abuse just makes you appear pathetic and nothing more.

Anyway, here is the couple who allegedly abused their maid.


Do note that the couple has not been proven guilty, so let’s keep our rotten eggs inside our baskets until then.

Linda Seah Lei Sie, the employer of Myanmar domestic worker Phyu Phyu Mar, is being accused of making the latter drink water mixed with floor cleaner.

She is also being accused of making Ms Phyu Phyu Mar hit her head on the floor and hitting her with a mobile phone, causing bruises on her forehead, left eye and left hand.

Seah is currently facing a total of six charges. Seah’s husband, Lim Toon Leng, faces one assault charge for allegedly punching the maid’s forehead twice.


Goddamit, here we go again. Shit like this makes my blood boil. If they are indeed guilty, I hope they get locked up in a jail cell for good.

Their supposed inhumane acts came to light when Ms Lee Lee Yen, who used to work for Seah at her company, lodged a police report.

Ms Lee said that Seah brought Ms Phyu Phyu Mar to their workplace in Feb 2016. She performed duties such as cleaning the windows and dusting the shelves.

“She was quite chatty. She had long hair and looked a bit chubby,” said Ms Lee.

According to Ms Lee, Ms Phyu Phyu Mar had lost weight by September of 2016 and was complaining of being hungry.

On 14 Oct, Ms Lee noticed that Ms Phyu Phyu Mar had a swollen left eye. When asked, she revealed another injury on her left shoulder.

“It was a hot water scalding mark. It was red and the skin was starting to peel off…” Ms Lee told District Judge Olivia Low.

“She told me Linda poured hot water onto her and made her pour hot water onto herself.”

Ms Lee then alerted the police later that evening.


At this point, it’s a little hard for anyone to believe that the couple’s innocent. Since the trial is resuming today, let’s wait around and see the results, shall we?

Since you’re here, why not watch a video about a guy who lodged a Police report here in Singapore because he was friendzoned? Seriously. Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on

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