Photo-taking Couple Survives 27-Metre Plunge off India Bridge to Escape Train

The quest for a great photo opportunity in the modern day can sometimes override our better judgment.

A young married couple in India decided to take photos together on the Goram Ghat railway bridge, as shown in a TimesNow video.

The bridge, high across a gorge, featured no walkways meant for people. As such, they took their selfies directly on the rails that Saturday (13 July).

Couple Jumps 27 Metres Off Bridge to Avoid Train

22-year-old Rahul Mewada and his 20-year-old wife Jhanvi got so engrossed in their sweet photoshoot that they did not notice the train approaching.

Image: X (@TimesNow)

The train sounded its deafening horn upon spotting them and its driver slammed hard on the brakes.

Trapped on the rail bridge with seemingly nowhere for cover, the couple panicked at the approaching metal behemoth of a train.

In desperation, the two shockingly flung themselves off the Goram Ghat Bridge. Onlookers screamed in terror at the sight.

They plummeted over 27 metres down onto solid ground beneath.

Image: X (@TimesNow)

Ironically, the train, which was travelling at a slow speed, actually managed to brake in time before reaching where they stood for their selfies.

Given the height of the fall and the plunge right to the ground, you may expect their families to be planning their funerals right now.

Miraculously, both survived the deadly drop and were rushed to the hospital.

Jhanvi suffered a broken leg in the fall. Rahul, on the other hand, suffered a severe spinal cord injury.

He was moved to another hospital for specialist treatment and is in bad condition.

Netizens Blame Social Media Craze for Bridge Incident

One netizen pointed out that they could have climbed down onto the exposed pillars of the bridge to avoid needing to jump.

All the pillars included small ladders for this very purpose.

Image: X

Though to be fair, I personally wouldn’t be thinking clearly if a train was a split second from turning me and my spouse into paste.

Other netizens criticised the “photo shoot craze” that had caused injuries and even deaths.

One such selfie-taking incident in 2019 resulted in a fatal fall off a cliff.

“Highly dangerous act for some social media likes.” A commenter opined.

Train Bridge Shown in Video is Popular Site for Photos

Despite the danger, Goram Ghat Bridge has historically been a favoured spot for photo-taking.

Numerous posts online show people standing on the bridge, including the only Google Maps Street View photo of the site.

Image: Google Maps

The image, taken in 2017, does at least show a platform meant for safety. You can also see the ladders leading down to the pillars more clearly.

Ultimately, while we all want to share a great photo with our family and friends, they won’t be enjoying it if you die taking it.

Always put your safety over a selfie.