Crocodile Spotted At Sungei Buloh, And No, It’s Not Alone

Now, I’m not sure how you guys feel about reptiles, but I love them.

Since young, I’ve always had a thing for snakes, lizards and dinosaurs (Hey, we all love dinosaurs, no?). To me, they are magnificent and beautiful creatures.

So, when the opportunity to get close to one presented itself before me, I grabbed it by the tail.



No, I wasn’t bitten. And no, it’s not a wild ekans. She’s the pet of a local farmer I was visiting during my backpacking trip around Vietnam.

Apparently, the farmer rescued her from some kids (Them little vermin) and has been looking after her ever since.

Anyway, back to reality.

Fellow reptile lovers, we’re in luck (sort of).

Take a look at this video here (Couldn’t embed the video somehow, so here’s a link and a pepe)


According to this article by Stomp, not one, but three crocodiles were spotted at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve!

From the video, we can see a crocodile being partially submerged in the water, with the second part of the video showcasing a fully submerged crocodile.

Apparently, there’s a third crocodile hidden somewhere in the background of the video. I didn’t actually see it from the video though, just from the stills at the end.


The Estuarine crocodile, also commonly known as the saltwater crocodile, is one of the most widely distributed species of crocodiles.

They can be seen in our local estuaries and reservoirs every now and then.

Which means, they are actually not that rare! (But I guess it’s still fascinating for us city kids!)

Guess it’s time for me to make a trip to Sungei Buloh with my new camera!

Oh and, by the way, please do not disturb the crocodiles if you actually manage to see them at Sungei Buloh.

Last thing I need is my editor telling me to write an article titled:

“Man thinks it’s a good idea to swim with crocodiles, you won’t believe what happens next!”

(How’s that for clickbait)


Please just leave them be and not throw stones/branches at them. They didn’t do anything to you and you shouldn’t do anything to them either.

Here’s an image for you, in case you need to know what to do if you encounter a crocodile.


I’m still giggling at how feeding a crocodile actually gets you fined.

I mean, I do understand it’s to prevent the crocodiles from staying around the area due to the food (and some other reasons), but it really tickled me.

That’s all for today, folks. In a while, crocodile! (I’m not sorry for saying this)

Since you’re here, why not watch a video about an NTU student who went all out to impress his crush, only to end up in…tragedy? Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on

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