Customers So Angry with Expensive Porridge, They Smashed the Stall

Sometimes, it’s instances like this that make us lose faith in humanity altogether. Many times, instead of looking at the situation and solving the problems on hand, people turn to violence and think that by doing so, they can run away from all responsibilities.

They thrashed the place because the bill was too ‘expensive’

Just yesterday, a police report was made at Heng Leong TeoChew Porridge with regards to a public brawl that took place at the restaurant. A CCTV footage was also captured showing how 3 men and 1 woman allegedly thrashed the place because…. the bill was too expensive.


And how expensive, you might ask?

Well, for a porridge meal that consisted of a pomfret and a few side dishes, the gang was unhappy that the bill amounted to S$28.

Yeah, not S$288 ah. S$28. And they felt so unjust about this S$28 they had to pay that they decided to thrash the entire place to show their displeasure. Like come on, you got money to buy beer and get drunk, and no money to pay S$28 for a teochew porridge?

Glass surfaces were smashed and tables were overturned.

A cleaner at the scene witnessed the entire process. She claimed that the customers first had a heated argument with the staff, before tossing the dishes on the floor and overturning the marble tables to show their displeasure. 

They then picked up the wooden chairs in the restaurant and used them to smash the serving area, destroying the glass surfaces, before leaving.

However, the group left before the police arrived, and the case is currently pending investigations. After the incident, the staff had to close the outlet and clean up the space – especially the broken glass on the floor.

Thankfully, due to the efficiency of their workers in cleaning up the place, the eatery reopened the next day before noon. 

You can also view the full video below:

【独家】  扔椅子、丢碗碟、砸粥锅!实龙岗潮州粥店砸场电眼画面曝光,涉及撒野的三人扔6椅子,粗暴行径全程被拍下!欲知详情,请翻阅今天的《新明日报》。有新闻,拨打热线91918727通报!

Posted by Shin Min Daily News 新明日报 on Saturday, 27 May 2017

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