Influencer Daryl Aiden Yow Claims Dior Sales Assistant from Orchard Looked Down on His Mother

After allegedly treating a local influencer’s mother in a less-than-satisfactory manner, one of Dior Singapore’s sales assistants has been exposed for her poor service towards customers who were dressed more casually.

In a series of Instagram stories posted on 11 October this year, local influencer Daryl Aiden Yow talked about his mother’s unpleasant experience in the store.

Here’s what happened.

Intended to Buy Bag as Birthday Present for Mother

In his first Instagram story, Yow, 30, posted a photo of a Louis Vuitton shopping bag, suggesting that he had bought his mother a bag from the luxury brand.

Image: Instagram (@darylaiden)

He explained that he had chosen to purchase a branded bag for his mother’s birthday this year since she has been using her previous bag “to death over the years”.

He added that he wanted to give her “something nice” for once, and that he was able to make the purchase as he had done well this year.

After expressing his gratitude towards his followers for allowing him to achieve such results in his career, he wrote, “Dad, if you’re seeing this, your turn’s next!”

Parents Went Shopping in Casual Clothes Without Him

However, despite the heartwarming moment, Yow switched to talking more about his mother’s negative experience in his following stories.

Image: Instagram (@darylaiden)

In particular, he shared how he was busy with work in the week leading up to the purchase and was unable to fix a time with his parents to make the purchase.

Since his mother was extremely excited about the gift, Yow decided to pass his parents his credit card as he did not want her to have to wait any longer for her gift.

He then noted how his mother sent him a “string of messages” when he was working at a shoot, and added that the messages were regarding how “hurt she was from the way some of the luxury brands’ staffs were treating her”.

He did not specify which brand or outlet his parents had visited to make their purchase.

Yow also clarified that his parents were dressed in casual clothes, with his mother wearing a blouse with denim shorts and his father wearing a t-shirt, bermudas and slippers.

“But is that reason enough to be looked down upon?!” he wrote.

Yow Left Angry at Incident, Said that He Would be “Happy” to Tell Her Off

In the same story, Yow added that he was extremely angry after hearing about the treatment that his mother was subject to in the store.

“It was supposed to be a fun and sweet gesture from me that’ll make her happy, but it in turn made her feel like shit because some of the [staff[ were clocking her and my dad from head to toe,” he wrote.

He also shared how a staff member apparently told his mother “N-O, no” when she had requested to look at some of the bags.

“I wish I knew the name of that rude staff because I would be happy to head down to tell her off,” he added in frustration.

However, he also clarified that some of the other staff members at the same outlet were “lovely” when they served his parents.

Revealed Dior Branch and Appearance of Sales Assistant Afterwards

Thereafter, Yow posted another Instagram story that exposed the brand and outlet where the rude sales assistant was working.

“I’m not slamming any brand, it’s not my style,” he explained at the very beginning of the story.

However, he revealed that many of his followers had reached out to him with their own similar experiences as well, and around 80% of them had their unpleasant experiences at the same brand and outlet that his parents had visited.

Image: Instagram (@darylaiden)

With that, he revealed that his parents had gone to the Dior outlet at ION Orchard, and that the rude sales assistant in question was a woman who appeared to be in her late 30s or early 40s.

He did not share the name of the sales assistant.

Yow then proceeded to talk about how his mother is usually a thrifty person who “does not like splurging on stuff”, which made this experience all the more special for her.

He added that going into a luxury store was “a brand new experience”, and that she was anticipating the new experience.

However, her experience was “ruined” by the sales assistant.

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Netizens’ Reactions

Yow also provided multiple screenshots of his followers’ direct messages (DMs) regarding their negative reviews of the Dior outlet at ION Orchard.

Many criticised the outlet for having extremely poor service, especially for one of the female sales assistants, while one follower shared that a particular sales assistant working at the Marina Bay Sands (MBS) outlet provides good service to customers.

Image: Instagram (@darylaiden)

“The responses from ONLY my followers says A LOT,” Yow commented.

Goody Feed has contacted Dior for comment.

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Featured Image: Instagram (@darylaiden)