Woman Allegedly Found a Whole Dead Rodent in Vegetables She Bought from IMM Giant

While it’s always nice to get your money’s worth whenever you buy something, sometimes it’s probably more important to see where exactly this “worth” is coming from.

And I’m sure no one wants to experience what one woman did after buying groceries at a Giant supermarket recently, even though I suppose she did get something “extra” on top of what she originally paid for.

Dead Rat Found in Vegetables Sold at IMM Giant

On 15 May, a woman went to the Giant supermarket at IMM to purchase some vegetables, just like any normal person would.

However, it’s pretty safe to say that her experience ended up being anything but normal.

According to Shin Min Daily News, her husband, Raymond Lim, said that his wife found out that there was a dead rat hiding in the midst of her vegetables when she took them out of the fridge three days later.

Although she initially wanted to cook the vegetables, it’s safe to say that she didn’t after witnessing such a horrifying sight.

After realising that there was a dead rodent lying in the midst of the vegetables that she bought, Lim recalled to Shin Min how his wife immediately felt sick after seeing the rat when she was washing the vegetables.

He also added that he himself was in shock after seeing the rat and that the sight of it was extremely disgusting.

Since then, the Lim family has not dared to eat vegetables.

After the discovery, the family also rushed to clear out their entire fridge, including 1kg worth of bird’s nest that they received as a gift.

Less Faith in Supermarket Chain Now

According to Lim, he contacted Giant to inform them of the incident, and also said that he has refrained from purchasing items there since then.

However, even though Giant has since offered Lim and his family monetary compensation and some response, he is apparently still unsatisfied with the supermarket’s response. He has yet to contact a representative from the supermarket regarding this.

Lim even took to Facebook to share his experience, posting a photo of the dead rodent and screenshots of Giant’s response to his concerns.

According to the post, Giant assured him that he would receive a full refund for all the fresh and frozen food products that his family bought on 15 May.

Based on the response from Giant, the supermarket also told Lim that the store had checked on the other products in the same section, and found that they were in “good selling condition”.

In addition to that, Giant also added that it did not receive any other similar complaints from other customers.

Hence, Giant explained to Lim that this was likely an isolated incident.

Netizens’ Reactions

After seeing Lim’s post on Facebook, many netizens were understandably shocked by the incident.

However, there were also several commenters who called Lim out for his actions, saying that Giant had done its part by offering him a full refund and that there was no need for him to further shame the supermarket chain.

Some even asked him what else he wanted the supermarket chain to do, with a handful of commenters jokingly saying that he wanted Giant to offer him a year’s worth of free groceries.

Besides Lim’s behaviour, one user also speculated that the rat could have been dead even prior to packaging, given that the vegetables looked completely new and not nibbled on in any form.

Giant’s Response

According to AsiaOne, DFI Retail Group mentioned that they carried out an investigation promptly after receiving the complaint.

DFI Retail Group operates various well-known chains such as 7-eleven, Market Place Guardian and Giant in Singapore.

A spokesperson from the Retail Group clarified that the product bought by the Lim family is a pre-packaged and sealed item, and that the group is currently liaising with its suppliers to “find out the root cause”.

Additionally, the supermarket chain pledged to check the same items that are currently being sold in Giant to make sure that a similar issue will not occur again.

Singapore Food Agency’s Response

The Singapore Food Agency (SFA) also told AsiaOne that the matter is under investigation.

The spokesperson emphasised the importance of retail food establishments obeying the food hygiene rules set out by the SFA.

In addition to that, SFA also encouraged the public to report any food establishments that may not be adhering to the food safety rules through their online feedback form.

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And it seems like it isn’t the first time in Singapore that dead rats have been found in food purchased from supermarkets.

Back in 2019, a consumer found a dead rat in a bag of House Brand basmati rice that was brought from Sheng Siong.

The brand was pulled from shelves from both Sheng Siong and Cold Storage after that.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Raymond Lim)