Dee Kosh Says He Won’t Do Interviews Anymore After Being Accused of Trying to Control the Narrative

By now, we’ve heard so many of Dee Kosh’s “side of his story”, but surprise (or not really), he just dropped another video sharing his perspective again.

Here’s what happened.

Sent An Interview Agreement Out

Allegedly, when interviewers tried to invite Dee Kosh for an interview, they received a document titled “interview agreement”. 

An anonymous recipient of the form presumedly forwarded this to Rice Media which ran an article on it.

The document, which was sent to prospective interviewers of Dee Kosh by his team, provided a list of ten requirements interviewers had to agree to before the interview.

In it, it was stipulated that “no conversations off the record” were to be used without prior approval, and questions and topics had to be sent a whole week in advance so Dee Kosh could prepare.

The team also expected interviewers to send them at least one draft before it was published, and warned interviewers that they would edit out conversations “deemed unfit or that will cost us problems or contention with the Singapore law”.

To end off the agreement, they claimed that they did not intend to “restrict [interviewers] in terms of content”, and cited the scrutiny Dee Kosh was subject to as justification for these rules. 

Not Everyone Received This

According to popular Singaporean influencer Xiaxue, she did not receive a letter like this. 

Her interview with Dee Kosh quickly shot to fame online—in it, Dee Kosh said he was not gay but actually bisexual, and worse, Xiaxue insinuated that Dee Kosh’s victims were not actually victims at all in a passionate denial.

Anyway, that’s a whole other matter.

Two other platforms that interviewed him, namely Plan B and The Daily Ketchup, alluded that they did not receive the agreement, with the latter confirming this.

In Dee Kosh’s response video, he also clarified that the agreement was sent only to interviewers he didn’t know personally, so those three were exceptions. 

The Actual Clip

The clip was just five minutes long this time—still long, but not as long as the 51-minute video he released on video-hosting website Rumble that this writer had to take notes on (eight pages of notes, no less).

“I really didn’t want to do videos about drama anymore”, he wrote in his Instagram caption, posting the video as an Instagram reel this time. 


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However, he says in the video that it is necessary, before a “skewed narrative” emerges again. 

He claimed that because he was friends with the first three interviewers, he allowed them to ask him anything, “no holds barred”, and attended their interviews earlier. 

The other interviewers he didn’t know of weren’t so lucky, and received a later interview date. 

Approached by RICE Media Writer

According to him, he received an email from news platform RICE Media earlier in the week, and insinuated that the platform “[didn’t] really like [him]”, and “wanted to see [him] get kicked down over and over again”. 

The email asked him about the interview agreement.

He did not grace it with a reply, choosing instead to reply publicly on Instagram, citing his fear of the media outlet “twisting” his story. 

He then showed the agreement in the video, and explained that it was written because he was unfamiliar with the interviewers, so his friends said he should write an agreement to “safeguard” himself from public and legal scrutiny. 

“I was like, yeah, that’s true, that’s a good idea, because I really don’t want any more drama in my life,” he ruminated. 

He then sent the agreement out (which he found “quite fair), and asked that prospective interviewers accede to it before an interview took place. 

After this, he went through the agreement, which you can see below:

Image: RICE Media

He explained every clause and why he thought it was fair, rehashing the same few arguments about what he allegedly could and could not say on camera, as well as safeguarding his interests.

“My interviews are usually very sensitive,” he said. “I’m pretty sure I can answer most questions people throw at me, but we just wanted to be sure”. 

The token fee stated was to cover his food and transport costs, and he clarified that this would be around $50.

Finishing off, he said he “personally” saw no problem with the agreement, and thought it was fair.

He also stated he would probably not do interviews anymore, because he was “scarred” by the experience.

“I know you can edit things to make me sound worse,” he said of the media. Again, he denied trying to “control” anything, and reiterated that he would no longer do interviews.

In the video, he said that he’d originally intended to publish a “funny video” that day, so look forward to that coming out in the future.