Food Delivery Rider Claims to Earn $8,511 in March 2022 by Working Every Day

By working every day, and more importantly, working smart, you can earn $8,511 a month doing food delivery.

Here’s how this food delivery rider allegedly maximised his earnings.

Shared Record of Daily Earnings

One delivery rider shared his handwritten record of daily earnings in a closed Facebook group for food delivery riders in Singapore. It was later shared on the Hardwarezone forum on 7 April, where it sparked debate.

Image: Hardwarezone

According to the record, it seems like if you use GrabFood, foodpanda and Deliveroo together and work for 31 days consecutively, you can earn $8,511.64.

Reader Bao: Huh, legit can earn so much? Or is this fake?

Many food delivery riders pulled out their magnifying glasses, and after analysing every detail, they decided: yes, this is legit.

Here are all the small details that point to the authenticity of the $8,511.

School Holiday Week Boosted Income

The most amount of money made in one day was on 12 March, when the rider made $443.79.

Given that 12 March was a Saturday and also the start of the March school holidays, this is pretty believable.

Additionally, during the school holiday week, the recorded earnings were unsurprisingly higher. This was in line with other riders’ experiences too.

Earnings Lower on Mondays and Tuesdays

The rider made $101.61 to $293.13 on Mondays and Tuesdays, which was lower than from Wednesday to Sunday.

This detail is pretty consistent with other delivery riders’ earnings, as they shared that these two days were always the slowest days.

This is believed to be caused by people ordering much more on weekends, leading them to order less at the start of the week following their binge.

Yes, we are exposing your eating habits. 

Probably Relies on foodpanda, Use GrabFood and Deliveroo As Supplements

An interesting observation was that the rider earned the most from the foodpanda app.

Other riders theorised that this rider probably relies on foodpanda to take most of his orders, and uses the other two apps as supplements.

This is likely because how foodpanda riders have to book shifts and follow a schedule, while GrabFood and Deliveroo riders can just operate whenever they want to.

So if the rider doesn’t currently have any foodpanda orders, he could go onto GrabFood or Deliveroo to take a single order, then go offline. That’s a pretty smart way of filling in extra time to maximise earnings.

Uses Motorcycle Instead of Bicycle

The riders all agreed that making more than $400 a day isn’t possible on a bicycle, as your body would get exhausted.

There are also only 24 hours in a day, and unless you’re Sonic the Hedgehog, you probably won’t have enough time to complete so many orders.

The consensus is that this rider probably uses a motorcycle, which allows the rider to perform islandwide deliveries. It also enables them to stack many orders at once and still send them to recipients on time, all without getting penalised by the apps.

Also, fun fact: Deliveroo orders are usually prioritised by riders, as the risk of not delivering on time and getting suspended is the highest.

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Works About 15 Hours Per Day

On good days, one can earn about $15 to $20 an hour delivering food.

Since the rider uses three apps, the earnings may go up to $30 an hour if he stacks orders. However, even then, he’ll have to work 15 hours to earn $443.79, which he did on 12 March.

Yes, that’s 15 hours of travelling across Singapore and delivering food. The payout may be good, but how many people are willing to physically work such long hours?

Spends About $400 on Fuel Monthly?

Some people also tried to estimate the costs incurred by the riders, such as fuel costs.

Apparently, seasoned delivery riders said that you can travel anywhere from 2km to 5km to earn about $5. This includes riding to the merchant, and then riding from the merchant to the customer.

If we assume the worst-case scenario that he travels 5km to make $5, to earn $443.79, he would have covered 444km in one day.

Petrol costs about $2.20 per litre after fuel discounts (at least in March). If 1 litre provides about 50km of mileage, it would have cost the rider $20 for fuel on 12 March, and about $400 for the entire month.

But given the rider was probably stacking orders frequently, the distance travelled might be a lot shorter. Or the distance might actually be longer, if he didn’t stop to rearrange orders and was just delivering as quickly as possible.

Without knowing other details like the job acceptance rates on each platform or his strategy of stacking orders, the estimates may not be very accurate.

But one thing’s for sure: you’re bound to burn out. And with no CPF or stipulated leave, how sustainable is this lifestyle?

Is This Why Our Deliveries Take So Long Sometimes?

There were mixed responses to this rider’s earnings, with some commenting that this beats an office job that pays $3,000 monthly.

Because Singaporeans love our complaints, some started to question whether using more than one platform at a time and stacking orders is the reason why their deliveries take so long sometimes. Others even called for platforms to regulate the practice of using multiple apps simultaneously.

However, many people do respect the hustle, and said that the rider deserved the money as long as he put in the work for it.

And honestly, who are we to complain when they’re the ones doing the work for us?

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Featured Image: Hardwarezone and / buryakphoto