Things You Should & Should Not Do When Your Phone is Dropped into a Pool of Water

Last Updated on 2023-05-10 , 1:51 pm

We drop our phones all the time. On the floor, on the bed, on our faces, on the way to somewhere, everywhere.

But what should you do if you accidentally drop it into a pool of water?

Before you cry, follow these steps to hopefully salvage the situation.

Take it out immediately

The longer you leave the phone submerged, the higher the chance of you saying goodbye to your phone. This is due the greater likelihood of damage due to submersion. If your phone’s wet but not because you submerged it, like by getting water sprayed onto it, you should just flick the water off the phone as much as possible.

Swing your hands around, as it will help remove some water off the surface of your phone..

Don’t use heat

Do not use heating methods such as sticking the phone into a microwave or using a hair dryer to dry the phone. It may lead to some parts in the phone being damaged, which is a definite death sentence for your phpne.

Just use compressed air, or wipe it as dry as possible first.

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No rice, please

Many people believe that uncooked rice is the best method to drying your phone. Not true.

Raw rice does absorb water, but it may turn mushy and stick to your phone, giving you more problems than a wet phone. Mushy rice is extremely hard to get out of cracks and crannies. You really don’t want to face an issue like that.

If you really have to, at least wrap a paper towel around the phone to prevent sticking. However, your phone may not dry adequately.


Desiccants, please

Desiccants are the little packets of beads that absorb moisture.

These are the “do not eat” packets that you find in your packaged foods such as seaweed that you thoughtlessly throw away. These little things can be placed in a plastic bag with your phone so that they can thoroughly absorb all the moisture.

So next time, don’t throw them out. Collect a stash of desiccant packets instead so you have enough for them to work effectively. Remember to place it in a tight sealed bag since desiccants won’t work in normal air, where there’s tons of water vapour.

After that, if your phone is still faulty, sorry, but you probably need to send it for repair.