Don’t Say Bojio: Steven Lim Now Looking for Wife with CPF of More Than $250K

Do you have dreams of being a star?

Do you want to marry Singapore’s very own self-titled superstar?

If you find yourself nodding to both of the questions, now’s the chance.

Singapore megastar Steven Lim is looking for a life partner, and the qualifications are pretty simple:

You just got to have the looks, the decency and a meagre CPF savings amount of 250K, and you can enjoy an exciting and unconventional marriage with the handsome star!

Image: Steven Lim Facebook Page

Reasons why you should apply

If you’re not convinced, let me just list down some reasons why you should take up this golden opportunity.

Firstly, he’s good-looking.

Image: Steven Lim Twitter

Secondly, if he’s a LoL gamer, his LoL ingame nickname will be BufflordSlay80.

Image: TODAYonline

Thirdly, he’s the boss of his own talent agency.


And bosses are just goddamn attractive.

Terms & Conditions

Limited slots available.

Promotional period until Steven Lim decides its end.

Buy 1 get 1 free: marry Steven Lim and you will get a child. Probably.

So what are you waiting for?

Sign up today, on Steven Lim’s Facebook page!

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Featured Image: Facebook (Steven Lim)