Malay Buying Non-Halal Food for Elderly Chinese Wins the Internet

Sometimes, you need to suspend your judgement because being judgemental won’t bring you anywhere, as in this case that has made many Singaporeans smile.

On 9 November 2016, Twitter user @shaidlyn uploaded a video of her boyfriend buying food from a cai png stall, which is usually non-halal.

She added aptly timed caption, including one that’s simple yet powerful.

Image: Twitter (@shaidlyn)
Image: Twitter (@shaidlyn)

But he was doing all this for this elderly uncle.

Image: Twitter (@shaidlyn)
Image: Twitter (@shaidlyn)

The video has since gone viral with 1,690 retweets.

So next time, if you intend to judge someone just based on what you see on the surface, think of this video again, and the world will be a better place.

Oh, by the way, is it just me, or does the uncle’s smile seem very heartwarming?

Featured Image: Twitter (@shaidlyn)

This article was first published on

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