Everything You Need To Know About Acuvue’s Recall of Its Contact Lenses In S’pore

Warning, this is not a false alarm.

Nearly 1,000 boxes of Acuvue contact lenses have been voluntarily recalled by Johnson & Johnson Vision Care due to “quality issues”.

Image: Imgflip

According to the company:

  • Lot L002QH9 of Acuvue Oasys was recalled due to brush bristles potentially being found between the blister package and foil
  • Lot B00GW4Z and B00HRMG of Acuvue Oasys for Astigmatism contained lenses being “off power”, resulting in distortion or blurriness for the consumer
Image: Imgflip
Image: Imgflip

But wait, you don’t have to turn into a white guy just yet.

Lot numbers can be detected on the back of the outer box or on the front (printed) face foil of the blister package.

Check whether the number coincides with L002QH9, B00GW4Z and B00HRMG. If it doesn’t, it’s safe to wear.

Patient safety

The affected products issued in Singapore accumulate to 929 boxes, which is around 0.03 percent of the total products sold since their market release.

“Our top priority is patient safety and we hold ourselves to high standards for product quality and customer satisfaction. Importantly, no significant health risks have been reported due to these issues,” said a company spokesman. “We have taken measures to help ensure these issues do not recur.”

All affected products sold at optical stores here have been reclaimed as of Monday.

Have there been any reported cases?

According to Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, it has not received any consumer complaints or negative incident cases revolving around the affected lots in Singapore.

Image: SiCoklat DeviantArt

Well, you’re entitled to a one-to-one exchange for your contact lenses.

To do so, you can either consult your local eye care professional (preferably where you bought it from), or contact Acuvue Support on 800-101-3130, or email [email protected] to learn more about the returning process.

Singapore isn’t the only market to get affected

The lion city is but a part of a larger recall in Asia, with Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan being affected as well.

So, folks, you’re not alone. Your ‘Arigato-Gozaimasu’, ‘Diu Lei Loh Moh’ and ‘Cha Cha’ speaking pals are all suffering from Acuvue withdrawal symptoms too.

Get your lenses exchanged if required, and make sure to check the number on the box before wearing it.


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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Featured image: Johnson & Johnson Vision Care