Everything You Need To Know About ComfortDelgro’s New Dynamic Pricing In 60 Secs

All right guys, time for another 60 seconds article! ヾ(`・ω・´)ノ Let’s do this!

If you are someone who takes taxis often, you should know that ComfortDelGro will be launching a dynamic pricing system for their cabs from 19 Jan onwards!

Image: channelnewsasia.com

In other words, fares for Comfort and CityCab taxis could be lower than the metered rates during off-peak hours! However, fares can now also surge during periods of high demand.

Geez, and I was happy for a moment there… (´・ω・`)

Anyway, if you would like to try it out, the dynamic pricing option will be offered via the Uber app and the UberFlash function. The nearest ComfortDelGro cab or Uber vehicle will then be dispatched to your location!

Oh yes, in case you’re wondering what ComfortDelGro has got to do with Uber, they have been in an alliance since last month.

Image: memegen.com

UberFlash charges the passengers $0.45/km, with a base fare of $3. This is cheaper than the metered rate, which charges $0.55/km for the first 10km and $0.63/km thereafter. The base fare is also higher, between $3.20 and $3.90.

Now, I don’t know about you, but I don’t exactly see a reason to be excited. (´д`) This just means…ComfortDelGro cabs will be charging more during peak hours also lah.

However, it’s also good to note that you can still choose to go by the metered rate if you hail a cab at the side of the road, which is nice.

Just that, if the driver doesn’t have GPS, he might say: “show me da way”!

Image: knowyourmeme.com

…I’m sorry, I really wanted to use this meme.

“We are excited about our partnership with ComfortDelGro to improve the overall transportation landscape, giving Singapore more choices to move around at the tap of a button,” said a spokesperson for Uber.

More details regarding UberFlash will be released later on.

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Featured image: straitstimes.com