Everything You Need To Know About the Scoot Bedbug Incident in 60 Sec


On August 12, Facebook user Jiamin Han published an accusatory post on FlyScoot’s Facebook page, claiming that there were bedbugs on her flight to Hong Kong.

The post has since garnered over 1.3k likes and reactions, and over 500 shares. That’s within a span of 2 days.

Image: Jiamin Han Facebook Page
Image: Jiamin Han Facebook Page
Image: Jiamin Han Facebook Page

In case you can’t (or can’t be bothered to) read the post, here’s the TL:DR:

Jiamin claimed in a post that she had posted it on Scoot’s Facebook Page because they had ignored her private messages and nonchalantly continued to advertise promotional products.

She had taken flights TR-2062 and TR-2069 on 8 August from Singapore to Hong Kong, back and forth. When she got off the plane, she noticed that her arms and back had a clump of what looked like bed bug bites.

As it’s a day trip to Hong Kong, she said that the bites could only have come from the plane itself.

She added that she is a frequent passenger on Scoot flights, and as a result, this issue is all the more worrying.

That’s not all. She then attached an article to the post, pointing out that it wasn’t the first time something like this happened.

Not an incredibly credible source, but well, to each her own.

After publically slamming Scoot for their careless attitude towards the matter which could affect the health and well-being of all future passengers, she asked for a reply in a cool manner.

Scoot has since responded.

Image: Jiamin Han Facebook Page

Scoot had replied to her comment thread, apologizing for what she had gone through and asked her to bring it to private messaging.

From there they would check into the matter and contact her again.

When The Straits Times reached out to Scoot for a response, a spokesman for the airline stated that the company routinely clean and sterilize their seats to ensure that the passengers would have a comfortable and hygienic experience.

As for the previously reported case, the Taipei incident, the spokesman explained that thorough investigations have been done on the maligned plane, and no trace of bedbugs was found.

Scoot is now looking into the matter and said they will take it very seriously.

The comments thread in the post, however, consisted of divided opinions. While some agreed with Jiamin and even shared their own experiences…

Image: Jiamin Han Facebook Page
Image: Jiamin Han Facebook Page

Others were more supportive of the budget airline.

Image: Jiamin Han Facebook Page
Image: Jiamin Han Facebook Page

What do you think? Who’s at fault here?

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Feature Image: ch-aviation.com / Jiamin Han Facebook Page

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com