Feeling Cold AF Last Night & This Morning? Here’s Why

In case you haven’t noticed, Singapore has been getting a tad bit cold recently.

And yes, I just associated Singapore with the word ‘cold’.

Unbelievable as it may sound, Singapore wasn’t quite its usual self, with the skies pouring over our heads the last few days. To top it all off, the weather seems to have adopted a cold front, a stance that rendered air-conditioning utterly unnecessary at night.

In fact, the temperature actually dipped below 22°C yesterday (11 Jan) at around 10:30 p.m., in Ang Mo Kio and Admiralty!

Image: Imgflip

Before you move out of Singapore in favour of the Sahara Desert, however, just know this:

It’s temporary (I hope).

The recent spate of ‘bad’ weather can actually be accredited to one single phenomenon:

An honest to goodness monsoon surge.

Currently affecting the South China Sea and the surrounding region, the surge’s expected to continue over the next few days.

According to National Environment Agency, “overcast and windy conditions with periods of moderate to heavy rain, at times with thunder” are expected over Singapore for “today and the next few days.”

The daily temperature during this period is also expected to fluctuate between 22 deg C and 28 deg C (slightly higher from 13 Jan onwards).

Image: NEA

So yes, folks, the Antartica experience’s not fading off just yet, as the cold nights are expected to extend till at least Sunday (14 Jan).

But hey, it isn’t that bad

Think positively folks. After all…

When was the last time you actually felt cool in Singapore?

So enjoy the all-new experience, and just hope that it will stay for a bit longer.

Because you know what’s coming after that.

Image: Quora

Since you’re here, why not watch a video about a guy who lodged a Police report here in Singapore because he was friendzoned? Seriously. Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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