Feeling Rich? Here’s a $1.3K Mooncake ‘Coz Why Not

Mooncakes are like the best thing since sliced bread.

Admit it; you probably wait for Mid-Autumn every year just so you can sink your claws into those luscious, soft, juicy round mooncakes. And gobble it all up.

But what if I tell you that there’s a legendary mooncake? The stuff that’s made of ‘sugar’, ‘spice’ and everything ‘nice’?

Only drawback? It costs you a whopping RM3,888 (around S$1.3k).

Image: Goodreads

What’s the whole deal about?

On August 29, Leong Yin Pastry, a Malaysian company that specialises in mooncakes, tarts and pineapple biscuits, created a mooncake that was priced at RM3,888.

Image: China Press

The 1.2kg mooncake is named ‘Zhen Yue’, and the fillings consist of 16 high-class ingredients, including cordyceps, ginseng, saffron, royal jelly, molasses, lotus seed, jujube, longan, 24K edible gold and other Chinese herbs.

Image: China Press

Even the ‘snow skin’ of the mooncake was made of an unconventional material, with cave bird’s nest chosen as the surface of the mooncake.

Image: worldofbuzz.com

Why ‘snow skin’ instead of the traditional skin, though? According to China Press, it’s because ‘snow skin’ is able to keep all the essence and nutritional values of the fillings.

Record-breaking mooncake

The mooncake costs a whopping RM3,200 to produce, which is no wonder why the retail one’s priced at RM 3,888.

The selling price has also landed the mooncake a coveted spot in the Malaysian Book of Records for the ‘most expensive mooncake’ in Malaysia.

Image: China Press

Note that the mooncake is not going to last for long though. The manufacturer advises that customers pre-order it two days in advance and finish it within three days because the mooncake doesn’t contain any preservatives.


And finally, for our long-awaited segment of ‘Netizens react to crazy shit‘ where we totally prioritize their valuable and unbiased reviews, we check out some of their thoughts on this matter.

Image: worldofbuzz.com

Well said, Netizens. For once we are on the same line.


Honestly, if a salesperson came up to me and asked me to buy a mooncake for S$1.3k, I would probably say, “You siao ah? If got that kind of money to spend on mooncakes, I would rather spend it on a PS4 or something.”

And just look at that ingredients list. How do Ginseng and Cordyceps even figure out in a mooncake?

It’s not some tonic that’s gonna help you live to 100 years old, you know. It’s a goddamn mooncake that supposed to be really unhealthy, delicious and has you begging for more.

And it’s definitely not supposed to leave a bitter taste in your mouth, get you thinking about life, and having to find people to finish that giant mooncake nobody wants second bites out of.

Of course, I haven’t tasted it yet, but seriously. How else do you expect something that’s made out of Chinese herbs to taste like?

Just because a group of ingredients is pricey and stuff, doesn’t mean that they can gel well together.

For all you know, it might just turn out to be a mucky pile of junk nobody wants to touch. Just look at the Kardashians.

Anyway, that’s just me. What about you? Would you try it for $1.3k, or are you like, “Nay, I can do much better.” Tell us in the comments!

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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