Footage of Guy Refusing to Pay Taxi Fare & Shouting ‘Limpei 369!’ Went Viral


I‘ve always found it funny how some people like to mention the fact that they belong to a certain gang when they get into an argument.

It’s kinda like telling the other person: “Eh, I am a criminal, you should be afraid of me!”


Anyway, every now and then we get to see funny footages of people claiming affiliation with a certain gang out there. And today will be one such day.

So here you go, a video to brighten your day:

“Limpeh 369 eh ah”

“Limpeh 369 eh ah”. Gangster fare evader refused to pay full fareCredit: facebook/benkoo#submitted: facebook/jack

Posted by Fabrications About The PAP on Friday, 23 February 2018

For the benefit of those who don’t speak Chinese and Hokkien, here’s a breakdown of what’s happening in the video.

  • Taxi driver makes a wrong turn/did not turn
  • Passenger wants him to reverse, but obviously, the driver cannot do that
  • Passenger tells driver to stop the car
  • Refuses to pay the full fare, unless the driver reverse
  • Driver says he will call the police
  • Passenger tries to leave, but driver tells him to stay put
  • The passenger claims that he’s from “369” (a gang in Singapore)
  • Blah blah blah, argument ensues

I don’t know about you guys, but I seriously lost it when the passenger said that he’s from “369”.

Walao eh, now what time and age already. Simi “369”? Limpeh know an even stronger gang that can jit tao whoop your ass into tomorrow.

Don’t believe? Limpeh show you the one and only gang limpeh will willingly give protection money to every year.

Image: channelnewsasia

“999”, number one gang in Singapore. Government sanctioned badasses who can put your ass behind bars.

Some more 999 – 369 = 630

They can easily kick his butt with power to spare. Mai siao siao, limpeh gangster logic also not bad one leh.

…Alright, that was fun while it lasted. But seriously though, I really don’t see how claiming affiliation with a gang will help in a situation like this. Like, will saying that make it legal for the driver to “gostan”?

I think not. If anything, the police will probably lock you up after reviewing the footage.

As always, let’s take a look at the comments section of the video:


Precisely! 2018 liao still wanna play gangster.

Clearly, 369 isn’t paying him enough money to make a living either.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, that about does it for this article. Remember, if anyone ever claims to be from a certain gang and threatens you with it, remember that 999 is always on your side!

Always quarrel with your bae? Then you need to watch this video and learn this trick on how to resolve arguments without any compromise or apology (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel):


This article was first published on

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