Beauty Salon Giving Free Masks Away At Bedok, Jurong East, Orchard, Centrepoint & Harbourfront on 7 Mar

When Covid-19 struck, masks tripled in prices and toilet paper rolls disappeared as though people are pooping forty-two times a day.

Now, after Singapore has gotten over its brief panic attack, masks are still in great demand here.

If you, like thousands of other Singaporeans, have been keeping a lookout on where you can get masks, I’ve got some news for you.

Free Masks Giveaway At Jurong East, Bedok, Orchard & Harbourfront

According to MSNews, LUSH Aesthetics is giving away 40,000 free masks at 5 different locations on 7 Mar 2020.

They will be giving them away at these locations:

  • Orchard MRT Station
  • The Centrepoint, #02-K01 (in front of Gyu-Kaku)
  • Bedok Mall, B2 MRT Linkway
  • Jurong East MRT Station (next to Starbucks)
  • Harbourfront Centre, L2 Mini Atrium (next to KFC)

The event will happen from 1pm to 3pm and its on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Each pack will contain 5 masks.

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Giving Away To People Who Don’t Have The Means To Buy Masks

They explain that they are giving these masks to people who do not have the means to buy masks for themselves.

This, they say, will also “turn people away” from unscrupulous mask sellers who prey on people’s fears.

“LUSH Aesthetics hopes that this small gesture will help as many as possible to get hold of this essential supply during this time of need.”

It was not clarified how LUSH Aesthetics will differentiate between people who really need masks and those who are out to make a profit.

But one thing for sure, there will be a queue.

Just look at Unity’s queue where people have to buy masks.

Image: Facebook (Singapore Atrium Sales)

Now imagine how much worse it’ll be if it’s free.


Go Only If You Sincerely Need Masks

In Singapore, there’s a mask shortage.

It’s fine if the people who want it are kiasu people who think it’s better to be safe than sorry.

But the fact remains that there are people who need masks but are unable to get their hands on it.

Like cancer patients who really need the masks when they go for chemotherapy but can’t get their hands on it.

As it has been said many times before, the Covid-19 virus isn’t airborne. So the number one prevention tip isn’t to wear a mask but to wash your hands frequently.

So let’s all be considerate because kindness begets kindness.

Nonetheless, LUSH Aesthetics do deserve a huge thank you for trying to do their part.