Grab Driver Took Drugs to Stay Awake But Killed a Cyclist Instead

It seems like we’re seeing more deaths in the news recently, many people who passed on overseas and some locally.

In today’s article, we see another case of death – Mr. Karunanidhi Arul, a foreign worker who was knocked down by a GrabCar while he was was cycling on the road.

What happened?

On 25 October 2016, part-time Grab driver Mr. Muhammad Fadzuli Mahmood took some cough syrup to induce sleep before driving the midnight shift.


As we all know, some cough syrups may cause drowsiness so after driving a few hours, he returned home because he was feeling sleepy. But at 5.30am, he decided to head out again, despite still feeling very exhausted.

According to the Straits Times, Mr. Fadzuli took 2 epam tablets to give him the “energy to work for long hours”. But this is quite ironic because epam is actually used to treat insomnia instead.

But anyway, that was how the whole incident unfolded.

He first started driving very unsteadily along Hougang Avenue 3 when he zigzagged along the road repeatedly. Upon entering the slip road into Bartley Road East, he continued swerving along the 3-lane road repeatedly, and occasionally, straddling 2 lanes.

He did not notice that Mr. Karunanidhi Arul was cycling on the road.


And as if he lost control of the car, it veered to the right and mounted the kerb. But even then, he did not slow down. He continued driving, side-swiping the rail guard in the process and eventually colliding into the 36-year-old without realizing it.

After about 10 seconds, he then got out to check the damage to his rental car. That was when he saw Mr. Karunanidhi lying unconscious on the grass and bleeding from his head and mouth.

He called the police.

Charged in court

A few days back on 3 January, the 40-year-old was jailed for 15 months and banned from driving for 8 years after causing the death of an innocent life.


He also admitted to driving under the influence of drugs so much so that it impeded his ability to control the car.

A toxicology report has also shown that he had taken a total of 6 different kinds of drugs, including codeine and nitrazepam. His nitrazepam concentration was > 4x the toxic level.

The drugs he had taken were found to have dangerous side-effects such as “sedation, sleepiness, disturbance in attention, abnormal coordination, blurred vision, dizziness, disorientation and reduced alertness”.

It doesn’t help knowing that he has also paid a $200 composition fine for inconsiderate driving, just 10 days before the accident.

We offer our deepest condolences to Mr. Karunanidhi’s family.

But then again, this incident might happen to anyone so if you find yourself cycling on the road on a regular basis, do remember some of these regulations under the Road Traffic Act:


As stated by the Road Traffic (Bicycles) Rules, “No bicycle shall be ridden or propelled otherwise than in an orderly manner and with due regard for the safety of others.”

In short, behave yourselves and don’t endanger other road users.


“Every bicycle shall be ridden close to the left-hand edge of the roadway and in such a manner as not to obstruct vehicles moving at a faster speed,” says the law.

So don’t act all gung-ho and cycle in the middle of the road.



“Wherever part of a road or a path adjacent to a road has been set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles, no bicycle shall be used on any other part of the roadway.”

If there’s a designated cycling lane for bicycles, then one ought to use it and not stray from it.


“No bicycle shall be ridden on the right of any two other bicycles proceeding abreast in the same direction except when overtaking such other bicycles or on parts of roads or paths set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles,” says the Road Traffic (Bicycles) Rules.

Riding single-file is recommended but if you 2 lovebirds want to ride alongside, just make sure not to do it when riding in bus lanes.



“Every pedal bicycle or power-assisted bicycle shall, during the hours of darkness, carry a lamp showing to the front, a white light visible from a reasonable distance.”

This applies during the time from sunset to sunrise. To be exact: The rear lamp must be a red light, and the front lamp must not be a red light.

Sigh, so many rules, don’t cycle better hor?

Since you’re here, why not watch a video about a guy who lodged a Police report here in Singapore because he was friendzoned? Seriously. Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on

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