There’s a Group That’s Going All Over S’pore to Re-arrange Bike-sharing Bicycles

At first, there are people throwing bicycles from an HDB block.

Then, there are people giving bicycles as offerings to their Long Kang god.

Last but not least, there are people going around arranging bicycles properly for others.


Yeap, I know how this sounds. Unbelievable, right? It’s hard to find considerate Singaporeans these days (sigh).

With all the abuse of shared bikes occurring all over Singapore recently, it’s good to finally see something nice for a change.

Meet the Volunteer Bike Patrol, also known as the “shared-bike police”.

According to their Facebook Page, they retrieve damaged shared bikes (using rented lorry) scattered at various public places around Singapore and bring them to designated locations for the bike companies to collect the bicycles.

That’s not all. The group also provides volunteer patrolling, where members of the group go around their own neighborhood and move indiscriminately parked shared bikes to designated areas.


Here are some of the photos taken during one of their operations.

Image: Volunteer Bike Patrol

In case you’re wondering if it’s okay for them to do this, fret not. According to Facebook, this initiative is synchronized with LTA, Active Mobility Unit.

Aside from ensuring that our shared bikes are in tiptop condition, the volunteers also observe and report about the following while they are patrolling the streets:

  • any obvious security and safety related issues, like suspicious persons, objects etc.
  • cleanliness (dirty public areas, overflowing litter bins)
  • damaged road signs
  • faulty streetlights
  • dumping in common areas cases
  • abandoned trolleys (Cold Storage, FairPrice, Giant, Mustafa Center, ShengSiong and others)
  • fallen trees / branches
  • Park lighting maintenance
  • Park facilities maintenance
  • common area maintenance
  • choked drains
  • animal issues, etc.

Whoa, they’re essentially lightening the workload of our police force! However, they will definitely not be going after the suspicious people by themselves.

If the volunteers notice any of the above, they will be contacting relevant public service or law enforcement authorities.

Well, it’s really good to know that there’re at least some people putting in the effort to help out with the problems created by bike sharing in Singapore.

Personally, I hate it when people leave the bikes all over the place. Like, for what reasons did you leave the bike in the middle of a walkway for?

Geez, bike companies, please do something about your bikes already. Them unpaid volunteers are doing a great job cleaning up your mess, you know?

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This article was first published on

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Image: Volunteer Bike Patrol