Grab Passenger Tried to Spook Driver at 3am But Driver Responded Like a Boss

Last Updated on 2018-01-17 , 3:58 pm

We’ve all heard spooky ghost stories from taxi drivers, so it’s just a matter of time before we hear some from private-hire car drivers.

Well, wait no more: here’s one.

Except that it’s not a ghost story, with a driver dismissing it as a prank like a boss.

Yesterday, Facebook user Joey Ong related her boyfriend’s (I presume it’s her boyfriend since she called him “my boy”) experience with a Grab passenger at around 3:00 a.m.

Here’s the brief context: her boyfriend received a booking from Pusara Abadi Muslim Cemetery, located along Lim Chu Kang Road.

He then proceeded there and messaged the passenger when he had reached.

Apparently, the “passenger” then said that he had entered the car when there was no one behind.

Spooked yet? Yes? No?

But it’s definitely a “no” from the driver who replied gracefully.

In case you’re wondering what the “free trip” meant, here’s something you might not know: Grab and Uber drivers can earn some incentives if they clock certain number of trips per week.

Since the “ghost” is paying via cash, the driver can just drive for one minute and considered it a “trip”.

And just for your info, the number of trips varies, and recently, it’s harder to get the incentives as Uber and Grab have been increasing the trips.

That’s also the reason why Grab / Uber drivers don’t mind short distance: they earn less on the trip but have the potential to get the incentives.

The post itself has garnered over 900 Shares in about 24 hours.

Guess it’s harder to get a true Singapore ghost story nowadays.

Since you’re here, why not watch a video about a guy who lodged a Police report here in Singapore because he was friendzoned? Seriously. Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on

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