Hardcore Apple Fans Camped Overnight For Launch of iPhone 8

Today is a special day for Apple fans, the launch of the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus.

How far will you go for the new iPhone? Enough to spend the night outside even though you have a perfectly good bed to go home to?

Because that’s what some people chose to do.

Image: thedailyvox.co

The Straits Times reported that the queue already started forming yesterday night.

Each person is entitled to purchase only two of it, and for the early birds, there were given numbered wristbands, allowing them to leave the queue and return within an hour.

Come 7:30 am this morning, there were more than 100 people waiting impatiently for Apple Flagship store to open its doors.

Image: straitstimes.com

The first in the queue, Mr Amin Ahmad Dholya. He flew all the way from India and started queuing yesterday at 7 pm.

Yes. He flew across countries for iPhone 8.

Now that’s what we call dedication.

It gets even better. He’s not even getting it for himself. He is getting two of the smartphones for his daughters. One of it would be a wedding gift as she is getting married. #cooldad

And get this. He claimed that this is his first time queuing overnight for something and he’s feeling damn good right now.

Image: memecrunch.com

But with a reception like that, who wouldn’t?

The first person to get the phone was a 20-year-old foreign exchange student from Thailand

Varis Sinthopruangchai managed to be one of the first ones to pre-order the phone online.

He got to enter the store first and got himself an iPhone 8 and an iPhone 8 plus.

Similar to the awesome dad who queued for his daughters, he is planning to give the phones to his parents in Thailand.

I’m just glad that he didn’t end up like this guy here who got the first iPhone 6 in Perth a couple of years back.

That face tho…he was smiling on the outside but we know he died a hundred times on the inside.

If you want to get your very own iPhone 8 and 8 Plus from the Apple store, here’s how much it’ll cost ya.

  • iPhone 8: $1,148 (64GB) / $1,388 (256GB)
  • iPhone 8 Plus: $1,308 (64GB) / $1,548 (256GB)

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This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Feature Image: straitstimes.com