Next 2 Weeks of Jan 2021 Will Be Dry & Warm With Temperature Up to 34°C

A wise old man once said that the weather in Singapore is akin to your boss’ mood: he could be smiling to everyone in the office in the morning even when everyone was late, and then scolded everyone for no reason in the afternoon.

The wise old man could’ve been referring to the weather in January 2021.

In the first two days of January, Singapore experienced winter as the sky cried continuously for 48 hours, causing trees to topple, mini-landslides to form and numerous ponding that now occur every fifty days instead of every fifty years.

We even broke a record as the wettest January for 30 years.

And then, all of a sudden, this weatherman in black came in and said, “No more winter. Summer lai liao.”

Next 2 Weeks of Jan 2021 Would Be Dry & Warm With Temperature Up to 34°C

According to the men and women who look at clouds more than humans, the prevailing Northeast Monsoon season is forecast to continue for the rest of January 2021 with low-level winds blowing from the northwest or northeast.

However, this time, it’s not bringing in rain.

Compared to the exceptionally wet and cool first fortnight of the year, the second fortnight of January 2021 is forecast to be generally dry and warm. Daily maximum temperatures in the coming fortnight are expected to range between 32°C and 33°C on most days, with highs of around 34°C on a few days.

In the second fortnight of January 2021, short-duration thundery showers due to strong day time heating of land areas can be expected mostly in the afternoon over parts of the island on some days.

In addition, with stable atmospheric conditions arising from the presence of a dry air mass over the equatorial Southeast Asia region, Singapore can expect fair and occasionally windy conditions on a few days.

While rainfall for the second half of January 2021 is expected to be below normal, the overall rainfall for January 2021 is forecast to be well above-normal due to the exceptionally wet weather in the first half of the month.

On most days in the second half of January 2021, the daily temperatures are forecast to range between 24°C and 33°C. It is expected to be warm with daily maximum temperatures of around 34°C on days with little or no rain and when winds are light.

Featured Image: taka1022 /