89YO Ice-Cream Man is Still Selling Ice-Cream Outside Sim Lim Tower Despite Slow Business

Remember the ice-cream man who is always seen at Sim Lim Tower?

He’s now 89 years old, and he’s still working hard despite slow business. Here’s why he’s still working.

Still Selling Ice Cream Despite Poor Business

Uncle Ng, an 89-year-old man, still cycles with his heavy ice cream cart from his Beach Road home to Sim Lim Tower every day. He’s usually there during lunchtime till the late afternoon.

A recent photo showed him to be more hunched over, when compared to 10 months ago.

A non-profit organisation, Happy People Helping People, has described business there as “bad”, and has asked the public who are in Jalan Besar to support Uncle Ng.

Gets Bored If Not Selling Ice Cream

During the circuit breaker in 2020, Uncle Ng had to stop selling ice cream for 45 days.

However, he went back to his trusty spot at Sim Lim Tower as soon as he could, because he got bored of not doing anything.

To make staying at home more bearable for him, he was gifted a new Panasonic television by the non-profit organisation.

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Receives Daily Meals and Allowance

Happy People Helping People also shared that they contribute daily meals and allowance to Uncle Ng.

Selling ice cream, while staving off his boredom, could also be another stream of income for him.

If you have an event coming up or just want to do something nice for your family and colleagues, why not drop by his stall and buy tubs of ice cream from him?

As the organisation rightly quoted, “No one can do everything but everyone can do something”.

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