In M’sia MCD, If You Can Makan This Spicy Burger Without Drinking Water, You Get a Free Burger

The McSpicy, as far as some of us are concerned, are a gift from the fast food Gods to our country. And if we’re being perfectly honest, we’re sure McDonald’s from the countries around us are trying their best to step up their game and create a similar burger experience.

Malaysia’s seem to have come pretty close recently, and they’ve uplifted their Double Spicy Chicken McDeluxe. On their McDonald’s official website, it’s written that their spiciest burger has just gotten even more spicier.

Image: Loopme Malaysia

So much so leh, they’ve come up with a challenge for their customers. It’s called the #nodrinkchallenge, and is being run from 26 Oct to 22 Nov 2017.

The challenge is pretty simple – order and eat a Double Spicy Chicken McDeluxe without taking in a drink to quench the hotness in between, and in return, the person’s going to get another burger without paying a single cent!

Sounds damn crazy wei, and we don’t know if we can pull it off. A COUPLE of bites into our burger here itself and we’re already reaching for that cup of Coke to cool our tongue and mouth down.

The Three Easy Steps to Participate

The challenge is pretty straight-forward. The first involves purchasing the brand-new DOUBLE Spicy Chicken McDeluxe. When that’s done, it’s time to get into business with eating.

And yes, it needs to be recorded. This is not your usual video recording by the way ya – the contestant’s feat has got to be done through FaceBook LIVE.

Absolutely no drinks can come in at any point of time. The video needs to be tagged with the hashtag #NoDrinkChallenge.

Image: Marketing Interactive

When the contestant is done stuffing the burger down, it’s the time to end the challenge with the final step –submitting his or her application to the challenge on McDonald’s Malaysia’s website.

Winners to the challenge will get a complimentary DOUBLE Spicy Chicken McDeluxe which will reach them via a RM15 voucher for McDonald’s. It will be posted out to the contestant’s address after the contest ends, and within 14 days from then.

The registration process also just involves a few simple details being keyed in, such as the FB Live Video’s URL, email, contact no, name and mailing address. The profile has got to be set to PUBLIC, otherwise McD cannot see their video leh.

Hmm… Sounds like a pretty decent contest to participate in. We wonder if we will be able to see something similar here soon. It’ll be fun leh, and on top of that the sight of seeing our friends struggle through a super spicy burger without a drink is going to be damn funny at their expense.

In the meanwhile, we’re going to be sipping and eating our McD burgers over here!

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