Healing The Divide’s Iris Koh Wants to Go Overseas For Alternative Cancer Treatment While on Bail

If you didn’t know, the anti-vaxxer Iris Koh is reportedly suffering from thyroid cancer, along with an immune system disorder.

She requested to go to Malaysia for a month to seek alternative cancer treatment, but her request wasn’t granted by the court yet. Here’s why.

Want To Find Way to Save Thyroid Glands

The founder of anti-vaccine group Healing the Divide, Iris Koh, is currently on bail for an ongoing court case relating to her anti-vaxxer activities.

She has requested to go to Malaysia between 19 June to 22 July to seek treatment for thyroid cancer. It was revealed that Koh has been recommended by Singapore General Hospital to undergo surgery to remove her thyroid glands to treat her condition.

However, Koh wants to seek a second opinion from foreign doctors to find a way to save her thyroid glands. In addition to her thyroid cancer, Koh is also suffering from Graves’ Disease, which is an immune system disorder that affects the thyroid glands.

Thus, she made appointments at Mahkota Medical Centre in Malacca and Aenon Health Care in Negeri Sembilan between 19 June and 22 July. According to her defence counsel, Mr Wee Pan Lee, she will first visit Mahkota, where a doctor is expected to recommend a course of therapy treatment at Aenon.

Mr Lee filed an additional document for Koh to visit a third place, Spectrum of Life, in Kuala Lumpur during the trip to Malaysia.

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Deputy Public Prosecutor Jiang Ke-Yue said that he didn’t want to stand in the way of Koh’s cancer treatment, but the details of her request doesn’t provide enough information.

For instance, Koh didn’t mention why she wanted to seek treatment in Malaysia specifically, though Mr Wee did say that a doctor was prepared to see her. Additionally, DPP Jiang also questioned the need for more than a month of travel.

The documents filed also didn’t show any link between the medical centres there. With the documents raising “more questions than answers”, there is a potential flight risk if the court agrees.

Furthermore, the judge noted that Koh’s condition does not appear to be life-threatening, according to the submissions.

Thus, the application is adjourned for 22 June, where the court will reconvene with more information to see whether or not to approve Koh’s request.

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Featured Image: Facebook (Iris Koh)