You Could be Jailed If You Change Lane Without Signalling & Cause an Accident in M’sia

Last Updated on 2023-03-10 , 6:22 pm

Headed across the causeway for a road trip this holiday?

Boy, do we have a tip for you to avoid ending up in a prison cell.

Here’s what it’s all about.

Changing Lanes Without Signalling And Causing Accidents 

In December 2022, the Royal Malaysia Police shared a post on Facebook detailing the punishment for careless and inconsiderate driving.

Specifically, the Facebook post shared by the Royal Malaysia Police brought up the changing of lanes without signalling and causing serious injuries to other road users.

In the post, the authorities warned that one could be convicted under Section 43(1) of Malaysia’s Road Transport Act for changing lanes without signalling and causing serious injuries.

Section 43 of Malaysia’s Road Transport Act mainly covers careless and inconsiderate driving.

If you happen to be convicted of this traffic offence under Section 43(1) of the act, you can be fined up to RM10,000 (S$3,071) and jailed for up to 12 months.

While we want to say that this should be implemented in Singapore too, we’re not quite sure whether we’re ready to trade off the SG Road Vigilante videos of drivers cutting into lanes without signalling.

Jokes aside, the next time you drive to Malaysia, you should probably make it your number one priority to signal before you change lanes. You don’t want to cause an accident severe enough to put you in jail.

It’s just not worth it. If anything, your favourite JB malls and food places aren’t going anywhere. You can always take an additional few seconds to adhere to the nation’s road traffic rules.

Fatal Traffic Accident in Malaysia Last Month

Before you scoff at the post, we’re here to remind you: even if you manage to get away with not signalling before changing lanes, do you really want to be involved in a traffic accident?

It’s no secret that the roads are dangerous if you’re not a careful driver. You could stand to lose your life.

Last month, a 25-year-old Singaporean was involved in a fatal traffic accident while travelling along an expressway in Malaysia.

The car had skidded and rammed into a guard rail, causing the death of the 25-year-old passenger. She passed away at the scene of the accident.

While the other passenger was fortunately not hurt, the car driver sustained leg injuries.

The threat and danger of traffic accidents are very real, and even if a fine or a jail term are the least of your worries, you should at least be concerned for your own safety on the road.

We’ve said it time and again: but be it in Malaysia or Singapore; please drive safely.