The Many Faces of Jamie & Who Jamie Really Is


Just yesterday (23 September), Reddit user shimmynywimminy started a thread called ‘The many faces of Jamie’, and posted an accompanying image showing just that.

Six different faces/costumes, six similar Jamies.

Image: Reddit (shimmynywimminy)

Wait… what?

Now, if you’re feeling utterly nonplussed, don’t worry;

I had no idea as well.

In fact, it’s only after a prolonged period of research that I finally uncovered Jamie’s true identity…

And realised why she goes by so many different faces, and costumes.

The Many Faces of Jamie & Who Jamie Really Is

Lest you’re unaware, Jamie refers to a whole-of-government virtual assistant, a friendly-looking chatbot who assists citizens with their needs.

Image: Facebook (GovTech)

According to Govtech, ‘Ask Jamie’ is able to “provide direct responses to queries within specific domains”, and uses a Natural Language Processing (NLP) engine to process questions and give appropriate answers.

‘Ask Jamie’ is reported to be around six years old and was, as recently as last year, still going through changes, such as going beyond answering questions to mitigate transactions.

It has also spawned a series of ‘same, same but different’ Jamies across all governmental platforms. For instance, the Police version is as follows:


While the SCDF version utilises a different face model.


However, they are both called Jamie.

Interestingly, the ‘generic’ version and the NParks version are almost the same except for a difference in attire.

Image: Facebook (GovTech)

For the record, the Govtech and SPS versions, like the Police and SDF renditions, differ from the rest.


Each and every one of them, however, share the same name.


Many Faces

And that leads us right back to the main topic.


Image: Reddit (shimmynywimminy)

As we now know, the Reddit user was referring to how the government’s own virtual assistant possesses a largely different face profile across all platforms but keeps the same name across the board.

Certainly, an interesting notion, as evidenced by the thread’s 1.7K upvotes thus far.

Also, Netizens have since lent their weight to the discussion, with some raising certain intriguing points.

Image: Reddit (shimmynywimminy)
Image: Reddit

Others also pointed out how Jamie seems to share uncanny similarities with two characters from a popular children’s show.

Image: Reddit (shimmynywimminy)
Image: Reddit (shimmynywimminy)

Which certainly brings to mind a certain meme created by MustShareNews two years ago.

Image: Facebook (MustShareNews)

Well, well, what do you know?

Two years down the road, it seems that the conversation has resurfaced once again.

Is Jamie actually Officer Jenny in real life?

Guess we can only speculate at this point.



On a side note, it seems that someone actually tried to hit on Jamie before.

Different versions of Jamies, actually.

Image: MustShareNews
Image: MustShareNews

Rather unfortunately, the dude had his advances rejected. But then again, what else do you could you possibly expect from a virtual chatbot?

Note: Though unrelated, it seems that the Facebook Messenger Chatbot is more on-the-ball than we previously thought.

Image: MustShareNews

I mean, she even asked the dude to seek help.


Literally, I must add.

Image: MustShareNews

If you’re ever in need of a harsh wake-up-call, you know who to turn to now.


And so, we’ve uncovered the true identity of Jamie…

As well as the many faces she goes by.

Image: Reddit (shimmynywimminy)
Image: Facebook (MustShareNews)

And though it may sound a little creepy to those with no contextual clue whatsoever, I think we can all agree that at some point in time…

We would have interacted with a specific form of Jamie.

Though whether it’s indeed her true form, is really an issue that’s up in the air. For all we know…

We might not have even encountered her final form yet.

Image: Facebook (GovTech)

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