JianHao Tan Claims a Friend Stole All His Crypto & NFT Investments & Gambled Them All Away

Sometimes, trusting people too easily leads to bad endings.

For influencer JianHao Tan, the bad ending was the loss of all of his cryptocurrency and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) investments.

Shared a Crypto Wallet, Ended Up Losing Everything

It has been a bad week for Tan, who was down with COVID-19.

However, more negativity came for him mentally and emotionally, when he found out that he has been betrayed by his partner and friends.

The influencer shared a (presumably cryptocurrency) wallet with his friend, and even shared a Twitter account to build their community together.

However, “greed got the better of him”, as his partner sold everything without Tan’s knowledge. He then put everything into a gambling site, and lost all of the money.

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Friend Claims He Got Hacked

Tan’s friend claimed that their wallet got hacked. But how can that be true, when everything is recorded in the blockchain?

The friend then proceeded to ghost him after Tan showed him the evidence. However, after two days, the friend has reported that it was hacked, and Tan has decided to give him the benefit of doubt.

Tan further shared that all of his relationships are based on trust, and that he is someone who trusts others easily and sees the best in people.

While this is an admirable trait that pays off sometimes, unfortunately, his friend seems unworthy of his trust.

Meanwhile, he has thanked all of his followers for all the love and support they’ve given him throughout this tumultuous time.

Of course, Tan has decided to give his friend another chance, so hopefully, the truth comes out soon and he can get some closure.

But as Tan tweeted, “Money doesn’t change a person. It only reveals and magnifies who they truly are.”

You can read this first series of tweets here:

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Featured Image: Instagram (Jianhao Tan)