Jocelyn Chia Happy That She’s Getting the Attention & Explained Why She Made The MH370 Joke

By now, if you’ve not heard of Jocelyn Chia, you’re probably living under a rock or in the midst of a social media fast.

Whichever it is, here’s a few articles to catch you up quickly:

Now, if you’re wondering whether Jocelyn Chia will give in to peer pressure and apologise for her joke, she’s not.

In fact, it’s the opposite.

Jocelyn Chia is Happy That She’s Getting the Attention

If you’ve worked in the PR and marketing scene before, you might have heard of this saying, “No PR is bad PR”.

Well, Jocelyn Chia is embodying just that.

On 14 June 2023, the now-famous comedienne replied to the news of Malaysia getting Interpol to launch a manhunt for her.

Asking for Malaysia authorities to “keep going”, she said that she’s now on the front page of various well-known news media outlets.

This includes CNN, NY Times, BBCWorld and, on 17 June, an interview with Fox News.

The next day, Jocelyn Chia uploaded a screenshot of a BBC news article about Malaysia involving Interpol, thanking Malaysia once again.

On 15 June 2023, she revealed that she has uploaded the full clip of her routine on her patreon account.

Those curious to get the joke context will, of course, have to pay as well.

Jocelyn Chia patreon account screengrab
Image: Patreon

Jocelyn Chia: MH370 Joke Works Well

In an interview with BBC, Chia explains that she wasn’t trying to poke fun at the tragic incident or the victims.

Instead, she was simply trying to find humour in tragedy.

Chia stood by her joke, pointing out that the short segment of her joke was taken out of context when consumed on social media.

She had performed this routine “hundreds of times” over the course of one and a half years, and it never failed to get the audience laughing.

If it didn’t work, she pointed out, she would not have continued using it.

Malaysia Authorities Actions are “Ridiculous”

When asked about her thoughts on Malaysia’s action to involve Interpol, Chia thought that it was ridiculous.

If the request was sent, she would want to see the face of the Interpol officer who received it.

And if Interpol was to really carry it out? She wonders how famous it’ll make her.

Perhaps her Netflix Special dream may just come true.

Interpol: No Request For Assistance Received From Malaysia

According to the Interpol, no request for assistance regarding Jocelyn Chia was received from Malaysia.

“As of today, Wednesday Jun 14, no request for a notice or diffusion from Malaysia has been received in relation to this individual.”

The spokesperson also told CNA that all requests must be compliant with Interpol’s constitution.

This includes forbidding any activities that are of a “religious, racial, military or political” nature.

“Any request associated with offences related to freedom of expression would also be assessed in line with international human rights standards.”

Previously, on 13 June 2023, Inspector-General of Police Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani said that an “application” would be filed with Interpol to get Chia’s “full identity” and “latest location”.