Jurong GRC National Day Banner Looks Like a Group of MPs Who Didn’t Know They Were Photographed

Every year, on Singapore’s National Day, the various MPs across Singapore gets together to take a picture to proclaim their love for the nation.

Here’s one that West Coast did last year.

Image: Flickr 

And here’s one that Marsiling-Yew Tee did before one of their members went on to become the president of Singapore.

Image: Yahoo News Singapore

By the way, TIL: The Singapore President’s wife is called the First Lady but the Singapore President’s husband is not the First Man, but the First Gentleman.

Anyway, a National Day banner is important business, which is why when this Jurong GRC’s National Day banner for 2020 came out, it went viral immediately.

Jurong GRC National Day Poster Looks Like a Group of MPs Who Didn’t Know They Were Photographed

SingerTaiTai35: Together we maaaaakeeee a difference, one voice, one destiny; We remain undivided, our hearts in harmony~

SingerTaiTai35: Together-

Peekaboo~ / Image: Reddit

SingerTaiTai35: Uh…*scurries off the stage*

Given that we have had many decades to get used to seeing people stand together for so many years, you’ll be forgiven if you rubbed your eyes and stared at the banner for a few more times when walking past this traffic light.

And as it turns out, when a nice netizen posted this image on Reddit, many netizens had comments about this latest masterpiece which hit the streets of Singapore.

Some felt that it was creative, way, way(x100) better than the standard “safe thumbs up” pose.

Image: Reddit

One very creative person couldn’t resist making a pun: Grassroot leaders (geddit?)

Image: Reddit

And of course, our day wouldn’t be completed without a joke about “Pulau Jurong”

Image: Reddit

But the MVP of the comment section goes to this pair:

Image: Reddit

Although you have to say that it looks more like a selfie than anything else.

And there’s one more reason why we think it’s a selfie:

The Rules

Despite the group looking like they’re shooting an album cover for a new Sam Willows record, they’re merely following safe-distancing by making sure they’re standing at least one metre apart.

They’re also wearing masks because you can’t be outside without masks.

And the most important reason: you can’t socialise in groups of more than 5 people.

So if you have five of them standing like this:

Image: Suruga-ya.com

Chances are, we’re going to see people sign a petition to either charge these 5 MPs in court or fined $10,000.

Image: Tenor

That or lodge police reports against them.

National Day 2020

Since we’re already on the topic of National Day, might as well talk a bit about what’s going to happen on 9 Aug 2020.

For one, NDP 2020 is going the route of the eGSS and e-Singapore Food Fair 2020; it’s going digital.

Remember the Red Lions?

They’re going to be jumping down, not at the floating platform or the National Stadium but in Jurong East & Sengkang.

The fighter planes will also be roaring over Singapore across several heartlands in formation, so don’t think, those stupid pilots when you hear loud roars of a fighter jet above your house on that day (Westies, you know what I’m talking about).

There’s also a mass-cooking event this year (yeah, I know) as well as a Mass Workout session even though it’s not ACES day.

You can find out more about the activities here.

Heartlands Mobile Column

Not interested in hunks dropping in on your home? Well, we have something for people who prefer having their feet on the ground.

For this year’s NDP, the Mobile Column will travel along five routes across Singapore to cover more heartland estates, covering 200km in total.

In the north and northeast part of the country, residents of Sengkang, Tampines, and for some reason, Yishun, will be able to see these battle tanks and other cool vehicles glide along their roads.

Though one could argue that these tanks should stay for a bit at Yishun, with all the horses roaming around.

Image: ndp.gov.sg

According to CNA, a total of 66 assets from the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF), the Singapore Police Force (SPF) and the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) will be displayed, a number that might alarm Joanna Theng.

This includes the Singapore Army’s Hunter Armoured Fighting Vehicle and SPF’s next-generation Fast Response Car.

Heartlanders will be able to see these huge tanks up close from 10am to 1pm on National Day.

This year’s Mobile Column will also pay tribute to the frontline and essential workers combating the Covid-19 pandemic.

Around 100 of these workers will be onboard the mobile column’s vehicles as they cover the streets of Singapore.

These workers are from various groups such as healthcare, essential industries, and the social services sector, reported CNA.

The mobile column will also travel past Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, Sengkang General Hospital, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, and Singapore Expo, where it will perform a salute to all healthcare workers.

As the NDP organisers have promised, this year’s NDP won’t be as grand as previous editions.


It’ll be cosy, emotional and touching AF.

So if you find yourself crying midway through the NDP, it’s either that damn onion you’re cutting while following along with the cookathon on TV or you’re too in love with Nathan Hartono’s sweet dulcet tones.

Whichever it is, make sure to keep your limited-edition Yeo’s Chrysanthemum Tea with you on that day.

Yeo’s promised that there will be a special surprise for lucky winners who held on to their cans.