K-Pop Concert in Indonesia Ended Early After 30 People Fainted in a Crush

K-pop band NCT 127 just had their first concert in Indonesia.

Yet, they were forced to end it early.

Here’s why.

30 fainted in a crush

The concert, which was near the capital Jakarta, was going just fine at first.

However, around two hours into the concert, fans started surging forward to get closer to the stage, said police spokesman Endra Zulpan late on Friday.

“Because of it, 30 people fainted. To prevent other incidents, we decided to stop the concert at 9:20pm,” Mr Zulpan said.

Mr Zulpan also added that the collapsed fans had recovered afterwards, fortunately.

Safety vs Footage

So how exactly did the crush even happen?

Just before the crush, the boyband was handing out freebies to fans.

Fans in the back had pushed towards the stage in an attempt to grab the freebies and better concert footage, so much to the extent that the barricade fences collapsed.

Damn, these K-Pop fans really do go all out.

“We are disappointed by those fans. We were warned to not push each other, even by the NCT 127 members, but they were so selfish. Just for good footage, they ignored other’s safety,” said a fan who attended the concert.

A Flashback to the Stadium Stampede

Authorities are cautious, given that Indonesia is still reeling after their recent stadium stampede.

The stampede was one of the deadliest disasters not just in football history, but one of the deadliest stampedes in history as well.

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In the stampede, more than 130 people, including over 40 children, died.

Many more were injured in the stampede as well.

The authorities’ move to end the K-Pop band’s concert early also comes in light of the recent Halloween stampede that happened in South Korea, which led to more than 150 deaths.

Last weekend, police cancelled the third day of the Berdendang Bergoyang music festival in Jakarta.

Nearly 30 people had fainted at the music festival due to overcapacity.

The Day 2 Show

In spite of the early end to NCT 127’s concert on day one, police allowed the second day of the boyband’s concert to go ahead on Saturday.

However, this comes with a condition.

Distribution of goodies to fans were banned, and stricter measures were to be put in place to separate fans and performers.

“To make amends for (the crush) and give the best experience, we will add more paramedics and security personnel for the Day 2 show,” concert organiser Dyandra Global Edutainment said on Instagram.

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Featured Image: Twitter (NCT 127)