Kid Allegedly Drove Idling BMW at Serangoon Gardens & Crashed into Parked Car

Imagine leaving your child in the car while buying some coffee, only to come back and find out that he drove the car and crashed it.

That kid is definitely going to meet the might of the slipper when they get back home.

8 or 9YO Drove Idling BMW While Parent Was Gone

The Facebook page SG Road Vigilante posted a picture of a BMW crashed into a parked Lexus on 7 August. The incident reportedly happened at about 10:20am that day at the carpark of Serangoon Gardens.

According to a witness, the driver of the BMW left her son in her parked car while the engine was still running. The son, who seems to be about eight or nine years old, decided to drive the car.

While it is sweet that children like to imitate their parents, this was probably the worst time to do so.

The son, who obviously doesn’t know how to drive and probably blindly stepped on the accelerator, then sent the BMW crashing into the car parked opposite theirs.

Thankfully, nobody was hurt… except the mother’s wallet. I don’t think you can claim insurance for such an incident.

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People Often Leave Car Idle While Running Errands

Speaking to Shin Min Daily News, an employee of a nearby cafe revealed that car owners do often leave the engine running while they come out to run errands.

However, most car owners do turn off the engine before leaving the car. Who knows what accidents could occur, especially if you left your child there?

Many Facebook commenters also said that an idling car engine contributes to air pollution.

Next time, just bring your kid along for errands instead of leaving them alone. Better safe than sorry.

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Featured Image: SG Road Vigilante