KiKi Instant Noodles Has Gone Viral in S’pore As It’s Known to be a ‘Healthy Instant Noodle”

As an instant noodle fan, I am ashamed to miss out on the latest instant noodle trend driving Singaporeans crazy.

In fact, according to my colleague, it was out since 3 years ago.

And I didn’t know.


Okay, before you go all crazy over what I’m talking about, it’s KiKi instant noodles.

KiKi, A Taiwanese Restaurant Chain


KiKi is actually a restaurant chain in Taiwan specialising in Sichuan cuisine.

Recently, their noodles came under the limelight when Shu Qi (yes, every 90’s boy dream girl) bought it to the limelight on social media.


Look at that goddess-level curves…


…of the noodles.

KiKi Instant Noodles Healthier Than Other Instant Noodles


KiKi noodles were touted as “healthier” options to instant noodles because their noodles are sun-dried, and not fried like other noodles.

It’s said that they have to be dried under the hot sun for two days before packaging.

The instant noodles come in two different flavours – Sichuan Pepper and Aromatic Scallion – and looks absolutely divine.


I mean, you can just imagine these heavenly strands of goodness going down your throat, no?

And I’m no mind reader but I know what you’re thinking.

Where can I get my hands on some of them?!


That’s the catch.

You can’t get it in Singapore. At least not now.

The only way to get some of them KiKi instant noodles is through KiKi Restaurant’s local partner KiKi Fine Goods Singapore (, an online retailer.

And right now, they’re sold out.

They brought in 2,000 packets of KiKi noodles, 1,000 of each flavour. Their stocks were sold out within 6 days.

Their next shipment is coming in at the end of the month so make sure to keep your eyes peeled on their website.

Oh, and prepare your wallet because each packet of noodles cost you $13.70.

Don’t worry, no maleic acid unlike back in 2013

If you don’t know, Taiwanese starch products were once taken off Singapore’s shelves back in 2013.

Back then, it was discovered that there was an unapproved food additive, maleic acid, added to the products.

If taken in large quantities over a period of time, it could cause kidney damage.

Every shipment of KiKi noodles has to be tested by the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration before it is allowed to come to Singapore.

For the first time ever, I’m looking forward to the end of the month and it’s not because of payday.

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