COVID-19 Task Force’s Lawrence Wong & Gan Kim Yong Have Taken COVID-19 Vaccines

This morning, you might’ve heard about how the elderly in Singapore will be getting their vaccinations ahead of schedule.

Which makes you wonder, exactly how many have received the jab so far?

Well, according to reports, more than 6,000 people, including Singapore’s two main faces fighting against Covid-19 here.

COVID-19 Task Force’s Lawrence Wong & Gan Kim Yong Have Taken COVID-19 Vaccines

On 13 Jan 2021, it was reported that more than 6,200 people in Singapore has received the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine so far.

This includes PM Lee, who was tended to by a very nervous nurse, Health Minister Gan Kim Yong and Education Minister Lawrence Wong.

Image: MCI

Both Mr Gan and Mr Wong received their vaccination jabs at the Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital, and both will receive their second dose 21 days later to complete the vaccination process.

The injection was painless, and Mr Wong says other than a sore arm, he’s fine.

Vaccination Process Will Ramp Up

When Mr Wong spoke to the media, he told them that people in Singapore can expect “things to ramp up from now on”.

Mr Gan echoed the same sentiments, explaining how they will speed up the process to get the entirety of Singapore vaccinated against the infectious coronavirus.

By the end of January, he says, four vaccination centres will be set up to vaccinate a large number of people.

This is in addition to providing vaccination jabs at polyclinics and Public Health Preparedness Clinics.

Two of the centres are already operational since Wednesday, 13 Jan 2021.

One of them is located at Changi Airport Terminal 4 and, according to Transport Minister Ong Ye Kung, is meant for aircrew members and airport frontline workers.

The other is housed at the Raffles City Convention Centre and is meant to vaccinate marine pilots, crew and frontline workers who have to board ships for their work.

The other two vaccination centres, located at Hong Kah Secondary School and Woodlands Galaxy Community Centre, will be up and running next week.

By the end of February, 4 more vaccination centres will be operational.

Don’t Wait For Specific Brands Of Vaccines

Meanwhile, if you’re offered the opportunity to be vaccinated, just take it, Mr Wong urges.

You have a vaccine today that is “effective” and “safe”, he reasons.

To date, Singapore has made advance purchases for three different types of vaccines:

  • Pfizer-BioNTech
  • Sinovac
  • Moderna

The Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine is the only vaccine approved for use here while HSA and relevant experts are still waiting for more data for the other two vaccines.

Featured Image: MCI