Leader of the House Reprimanded PSP’s Leong Mun Wai for Making Unsubstantiated Allegations Against Teachers

After watching all the episodes of Tell The Truth: Khan or Khannot, you would have thought that everyone has learnt their lesson—to substantiate all claims given.

It seems like Non-Constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP) Leong Mun Wai had completely missed the memo.

Claimed Some Teachers Implemented VDS Measures but Could Not Substantiate It

During the Parliament Session on 10 January, Mr Leong stepped up to question the Minister of Education, Mr Chan Chun Sing, why Vaccination-Differentiated Safety Measures (VDS) were applied to children by teachers. He claimed to have received messages from his residents about this matter—on WhatsApp.

Mr Chan responded by asking if Mr Leong could provide the names of the schools and teachers who were practising VDS measures on children. He stated that the Ministry of Education (MOE) will seriously consider the feedback and do the necessary follow-ups.

Mr Chan basically said that MOE will adjust their policies according to the overall national stance, and will need to study the virus’ evolution before implementing any VDS measures in schools.

Mr Leong said he needed to check his phone for the messages received.

However, on the second day of the parliamentary sitting (11 January), he could not provide the details of the teachers and schools.

He admitted that the complaints he shared were from a Telegram group chat called SG Concerned Parents, instead of being from WhatsApp conversations with residents.

The Telegram group chat did not name any schools or teachers. In other words, Mr Leong was unable to substantiate his claim.

Leader of the House Reprimanded Mr Leong for Making Unsubstantiated Claims

Immediately after that, Ms Indranee Rajah, the Leader of the House, stepped up to reprimand Mr Leong for making unsubstantiated allegations against teachers.

She described his explanation as a broad speech that has no relevance to Mr Chan’s request for details at all.

Referencing the recent Raeesah Khan controversy, Ms Indranee added that “we have seen what happens when members make allegations, which cannot be substantiated or are irresponsible”. She reminded everyone in the House to use their parliamentary privilege responsibly, and accused Mr Leong of grandstanding.

She did that in such a stern way, you’d have thought that it was your discipline master from your secondary school speaking.

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No, You Have No Question. 

Mr Tan Chun-Jin, the Speaker of Parliament, asked if Mr Leong has taken the point about the need to exercise parliamentary privilege responsibly. Mr Leong said yes, but continued to try to ask Mr Chan a question. That was out of order.

This led to Mr Tan saying, “No, you have no question. Thank you. We are moving on.”

Mr Pritam Singh, the Leader of the Opposition, stepped up to try and defend Mr Tan’s honour, but Mr Leong ultimately could not ask his question.

You can watch the entire parliament sitting from 11 January here, and Mr Leong’s speech starts from 1:45:49.

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