Let’s Clear the Air Once & For All: Can E-scooter be on Walking Pavement?

We’ve all been overtaken in some point of our life, trust me on this, but let’s talk literal.

How many times have someone whizzed past you on a walking pavement?

With the proliferation of Personal Mobility Devices (PMD), bicycles are not the only thing that we have to look out for on the supposedly safe pavement.

Image: twitter.com

E-scooters are in trend right now and for many good reasons as well.

Other than its convenience and portability, e-scooters provide costs much lesser than a car (and COE). The main reason for its wide acceptance is how green it is, being pollution-free.

It is indeed a better transport alternative for a densely-populated country like ours.

On the flip side, while the Government’s Active Mobility Advisory Panel (AMAP) has set max speed limit at 25km/h, the recommended 18km/h on walking pavements is still quite fast for pedestrians.

In case you’re wondering, that’s about 5m/s,  half of Usain Bolt’s speed.


This raises concern especially in regards to vulnerable elderly and young children on the pavement.

Just in October, a 17 year-old boy collided into a 6 year-old. While nothing serious happened, reckless riding are getting more common and out of control.

Some do take the effort to install bells to signal those in their way, but mistake that as a ‘clear to go’ signal. Pedestrians still have the right of way, and should in no way be expected to make way for riders.

The AMAP also came out with a recommended guideline for PMD.

Image: straitstimes.com

Great news is, more are becoming aware of the dangers and are advocating for safe-riding. Interest groups such as Big Wheel Scooters Singapore (BWSS) ensure that all members follow the scooting etiquette.

Image: bwss

While it is good for the country that Singaporeans are turning towards greener alternatives, both pedestrians and riders should still use the pavement with caution. I mean, it’s always better to be safe than sorry!

Since you’re here, why not watch a video about an NTU student who went all out to impress his crush, only to end up in…tragedy? Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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