Li Nanxing Could be the Next Zheng Geping As He’s Now a Gym Rat Who Watches His Diet

While I’m sure most people might know a gym rat or two in their lives, veteran actor Li Nanxing might not be the first name that comes to mind for most of us.

But it seems like that might change in the near future, for the well-known “Ah Ge” from our television screens recently posted a video of him working out at the gym on his TikTok account.

Yup, he really might be the next Zheng Geping, who’s not only famous for his acting but also his killer physique.

Li Now Gyms 4 Times a Week

When speaking to Lianhe Zaobao last Thursday (28 July), Li, who turns 58 this year, revealed that he took up a fitness programme and has been visiting the gym four times every week for the past month.

He also shared that he has shed 3kg in one month, and now weighs 78kg instead of the 81kg that he started out with.

Li also expressed that his goal weight is 75kg, and that he is looking forward to achieving his goal weight soon.

Gymming Was Tough at First for Li as He Did Not Like Exercising

During the interview, Li added that he actually did not like to exercise in the past, and even joked that stretching and doing warm-up exercises before filming were the most intense exercises that he would engage in before he started hitting the gym.

Well, that’s one more thing I have in common with a celebrity then!

He also mentioned that he found the exercise tough at first and that his back, feet and thighs were sore after working out.

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Not Aiming for Muscular Physique, But for a Healthier Body

While bulging muscles and a similar physique might be appealing to some, Li explained that that’s not why he has started working out.

Instead, he said that keeping fit is his main motivation for working out, and that he hopes to age gracefully and healthily.

He added that having a healthy body is of great importance in old age, and that it will reduce his chances of being physically weaker and needing aids such as crutches in the future.

Apart from that, Li has also made adjustments to his diet by cutting out fried foods.

Currently, he consumes mostly steamed foods.

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Featured Image: TikTok (@linanxing)