Debt Collector That Live-Streamed Lim Tean on FB is Liable for Defamation & Damages

Last year, Facebook was teeming with such interesting livestreams, even Gen Z-ers would’ve lurked around to watch the drama.

One of which is of SDCS Holdings, a debt collection firm, collecting a debt from Lim Tean, a high-profile opposition politician and lawyer.

The video has since been removed from SDCS Holdings’ Facebook Page, but someone has reposted the entire video on YouTube here:

It seems that the video is now deemed to be defamatory, but it’s not about Lim Tean.

Debt Collector That Live-Streamed Lim Tean on FB is Liable for Defamation & Damages

According to The Straits Times, the issue isn’t about Lim Tean, but a management consultancy firm.

You see, the main door of the unit that the debt collectors entered has the names of more than a company instead, as they appeared to share the same office. Lim Tean’s company name is there, and so is the management consultancy firm.

Now, that’s the problem because after that, the company suffered losses after that.

No Need to Fight; Confirm Lose Liao

The firm applied for summary judgment against SDCS Holdings at the High Court hearing and sought damages.

Basically, it means that they sued SDCS Holdings and claimed that the defendant (in this case, SDCS Holdings) has no defence because it’s pretty clear cut.

For example, if you own me $10 and I want to sue you for $10, and I have all the evidences that show that you still owe me $10, I can apply for a summary judgement because you won’t have any defence—you’d have to return me the $10.

Therefore, there’s no need for a trial.

However, SDCS Holdings’ lawyer did contest the claims, but the judge feels that it doesn’t need to go on trial and therefore found SDCS Holdings liable for defamation—which means the summary judgement still holds.

Damages will be assessed, and SDCS Holdings will have to issue a public apology in their Facebook Page.

Lest you’re not aware, a new set of rules for debt collectors is now being proposed, and with those rules, this problem could’ve been avoided altogether. Watch this to the end and you’d understand:

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Featured Image: YouTube (sgfollowsall)