Do You Like to Put Your Feet on The Car Dashboard? Well, A Lady Just Showed Us How Dangerous It Is

Have you ever rested your feet on the car dashboard?


If you did, I would suggest that you put those feet down.


Audra Tatum has always had a habit of crossing her legs and placing her feet on the dashboard, especially during long road trips. It became natural to her.

Her husband, however, was disapproving. He has always told her that someday, she was going to get wrecked, and her legs were going to break.

His words rang true two years ago.

During a short trip to pick up their children from her parents’ house, the couple’s car was struck by another.

The impact broke not just her ankle and femur, but also pushed her legs into her face, breaking her nose and shoulder.


In an exclusive interview with CBS News affiliate KTVQ, Audra said that the airbag had set off, hurling her foot up and breaking her nose.

She ended up with the bottom of her foot facing her. 


Now, two whole years later, Audra is still recovering. She can’t continue her career as an EMS.

She’s unable to lift patients anymore. She can’t even stand more than 4 hours at a time without breaking out in tears.

If only she had listened to her husband

According to ABC News Channel 9, doctors at the hospital have explicitly told her that should she have rested her feet on the floor instead, no issues would have happened.

She acknowledges that if the airbag hadn’t been deployed, her injuries might have been even worse.

Airbags deploy primarily between 100 and 220 MPH. If someone rides with his feet on the dash and an accident happens, the airbag might actually send his knees right through the eye sockets.

Audra has learnt her lesson and now tells everyone to avoid making the same mistake. She would be content if she could even save one person through it.

Brave words, Audra.

I can’t even pretend to know what you’ve been through but your mindset and words could save other people from the same fate in the future!

Would you still ride with your feet on the dash after seeing this?

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