Post-Mortem Examination Indicates That 25YO NSman Has Passed on Due to Coronary Artery Disease

After a post-mortem autopsy was conducted, it was determined that the cause of death for 25-year-old Operationally Ready National Serviceman (NSman), Mr Liu Jianwei, was coronary artery disease.

On 2 March 2022, Mr Liu had just finished the warm-ups for the Quick High Intensity Interval Training (HITT) at West Coast Park when he collapsed at the start of the first exercise.

Although consistent attempts were made to resuscitate him after he collapsed and as he was taken to the hospital, Mr Liu was pronounced dead at 9:21pm that night.

Other Updates from MINDEF and HPB

Mr Liu’s cause of death had been revealed in a joint statement released by the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) and Health Promotion Board (HPB) today (7 Mar).

Besides that, HPB stated that its review for the safety practices of its fitness programmes are still underway, and the Quick HIIT will remain suspended until further notice.

As a parting note, MINDEF, HPB, and the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) assure the public that they will continue to assist Mr Liu’s family in their time of sorrow.

Are There Measures to Safeguard the Health of NSmen?

In truth, the Quick HIIT Programme is part of the NS Fitness Improvement Training Programme (FIT) to provide NSmen convenient and effective training and exercising programmes to ensure that they remain fit and operationally ready, whilst encouraging a healthy and active lifestyle among the soldiers.

In keeping healthy and physically active, it should theoretically reduce the risks of health problems.

The passing of Mr Liu is genuinely an unfortunate tragedy.

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As a matter of fact, for NSmen above the age of 35, it is mandatory for them to go through Health Screening Programme (HSP) to insure their health and to detect any medical conditions early on.

NSmen usually call it “FFI” (Fitness for Instructions).

The SAF HSP is a comprehensive health screening programme that includes a screening questionnaire, medical examination and the following investigations, such as the resting electrocardiogram (ECG) to study the soldier’s heart rhythm, urine screen and blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

The HSP is also easily accessible to the NSmen, since they can make an appointment either by contacting their Personnel Admin Centre or through the eHealth portal, starting from three months before their 35th birthday.

Anyone who’s not gone through the HSP would not be able to book their IPPT / IPT.

It’s not that the MINDEF doesn’t have safeguards in place.

In Mr Liu’s case, the Ministry merely failed to consider that sometimes health problems can crop up much earlier in life.

But just like Mr Huang, Mr Liu’s cousin-in-law, has said, perhaps some form of identification or preventative measures should be put in place to ensure that the NSmen don’t go beyond their physical limitations, even if they are trying to strengthen themselves through physical training. 

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