Reports of Superstar Liu Wen-cheng’s Death Are Fake & Are Orchestrated By Himself

Calling all fans of Taiwanese superstar Liu Wen-cheng, wipe your tears as we bring you good news.

Your idol is in fact, not dead.

If you’ve come across news reports that he had passed away, that’s not fake news either.

Well, in a way it is.

As it turns out, Mr Liu had intended for the public to think he was dead though this statement has since been retracted and it is confirmed that he is still alive.

Here’s why he did that.

Agent Confirms Death of Liu Wen-Cheng

Earlier this week, there were news reports of Mr Liu’s death after a heart attack several months ago in November.

His agent and good friend, Mr Hsia Yu-shun, had spoken to Taiwanese media outlets to announce the passing of this beloved idol.

Mr Liu is a well-known singer who catapulted to fame after releasing his first album Nuoyan (which translates to The Promise) in 1975. His illustrious career also saw him winning Best Male Singer at Taiwan’s Golden Bell Awards for three years—in 1980, 1982 and 1983 respectively.

Apart from Mr Liu’s distinctive smooth voice and suave look, he was also known for a curated signature look comprising a white scarf and a hat.

This death announcement triggered an outpouring of condolences and tributes from many.

Agent Retracts Statement of Death

However, in a surprising turn of events, the very same Mr Hsia who announced the singer’s death revealed shortly after that Mr Liu did not actually pass away from a heart attack last year.

But don’t get your hopes up thinking that this is a publicity stunt prefacing Mr Liu’s comeback into the entertainment industry.

The harsh reality is the exact opposite.

According to Mr Hsia, Mr Liu had instructed him to announce the latter’s death to escape pesky requests of making a comeback.

Mr Liu had committed to “never meet the public” and thought that faking his death would presumably allow him to achieve his goal of living out the rest of his life in peace.

Seems like it backfired though. If anything, the news of his death has renewed interest about him.

Prior to this death announcement, there had allegedly been offers from China for Mr Liu to perform again, each carrying a large price tag.

Mr Liu’s aunt, Ms Lily Lee Levin, has also confirmed that he is alive. She reportedly spoke to him after seeing reports of his purported death.

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His Actual Location Is Unknown

While we know that Mr Liu is alive, fans hoping to catch a glimpse of him will have a harder time trying to locate this elusive superstar.

According to Mr Hsia, Mr Liu is currently recovering in Las Vegas after suffering from a heart attack last year.

This checks out with the fact that after Mr Liu retired from the spotlight and said his goodbyes to the entertainment industry in 1991, he migrated to the United States.

However, here’s the plot twist—Ms Lee has also shared with media outlets that Mr Liu is now in the Philippines.

At this point in time, are we really surprised that he’s throwing smoke bombs about his whereabouts?

Wherever Mr Liu is, now that you know he’s alive, don’t be too startled if you see someone who looks like him walking around. It’s not a ghost.

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