Looking at the Number of Supercars in This S’pore Video Will Make You Cry

I am not a big fan of cars sooooo, I’m not crying.

Well, just because I am a fan of the Mecha genre doesn’t mean I’ll automatically like anything that’s uh, machine-y.

Image: transformers.wikia.com

(Yeah, I’ll admit that Transformers belong in the grey area)

For those of you car lovers, I’m gonna assume most of you would love to own a Lamborghini or a Porsche someday?

Oh, I don’t know. Like I say, I don’t know much about cars so I just name the first two names that come to mind.

Anyway, how would you feel if you see an entire convoy of supercars on the road? Excited? Or lamenting the fact that you’re not in one of those cars?

Take a look at this video posted in SG Road Vigilante:

Didn't know that are plenty of Good Families….

Posted by Alan Chong on Tuesday, 12 December 2017

In the two minute video, we see an entire convoy of what appears to be supercars on the road.

Truth be told, I can’t tell what brands they are since I don’t know much about cars. However, one thing is for sure.

They all look atas.

Like, you can obviously tell the difference between these cars and your daily Toyota and Honda.

Image: imgflip.com

Anyway, I am not sure if this is a family outing for supercar owners or just people driving for a roadshow of sorts.

Personally, I felt nothing after watching the video. No envy or anything. But oh boy, as always, the comments section is full of diversified opinions.

Image: SG Road Vigilante

There are the sour grapes(as usual), the logical people, and the sarcastic people etc.

However, I do agree with what some of the comments were saying.

Work hard, play hard. If you’re doing your best and are able to bring home the bacon, you can buy anything you want with the money. It’s your right.

Let’s not talk about the rich kids, eh? I’m sure that’d be a triggering topic.

Since you’re here, why not watch a video about an NTU student who went all out to impress his crush, only to end up in…tragedy? Here, watch it and do remember to share it (and also subscribe to Goody Feed YouTube channel)!

This article was first published on goodyfeed.com

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Featured image: SG Road Vigilante Facebook