There’s a YouTube Channel with Videos of Super Tight Carparks in S’pore

Last Updated on 2023-02-14 , 4:37 pm

Given the limited land spaces on this tiny island, Singaporeans often have a hard time looking for parking spaces.

And honestly, the weather makes the whole process of finding a parking space even more unbearable.

So as time goes by, people tend to take note of the places that they shouldn’t park at, and the car parks that confirm have space.

Being the kiasu Singaporeans that we are, we would park elsewhere and walk to our destination rather then spending time navigating through a fully-packed car park.

And here comes the local hero.

There’s a YouTube channel by the name of ‘Carparks of Singapore‘.

Here’s an example of the videos you can expect to see on the channel.

It features videos of how driving into the different car parks around the island would be like, by taking the perspective of an in-car camera.

Some of the car parks include the ones at SCAPE and Central Mall, among many others.

There’s also interesting playlists on the channel that categorise videos into: ‘A-Z of Carparks in Singapore’ and ‘Carparks that are not designed for cars’ etc.

That’s pretty handy for those that like to plan ahead!

If you want to find out more information about a certain car park that is not listed on the channel, you can request for it under the ‘Discussion’ section.

This guy really out there saving lives, man.

Or to be specific, saving cars.

(And the walls in car parks)

Featured Image: YouTube (Carparks of Singapore)