Man Hatches Goose Egg & It Thinks He’s Its Mum; Goes On Adventures With Him

Animals are a gift to humankind. We don’t deserve them.

On the one hand, we have dogs saving kids from venomous snakes, and on the other, we have humans trying to film each other in toilets.

Animals never fail to warm our hearts, and this Malaysian man’s story’s no different.

Gosling thinks M’sian farmer is its mum

In Kajang, Malaysia, a farmer noticed something strange on his farm one day.

The man, Mr. Muhammad found a goose egg, but no goose.

He suspected that the goose had been eaten by a python, but I’m pretty sure it abandoned it because it couldn’t handle the responsibility.

Geese are known to be dicks. I mean, just look at this:

Image: Giphy

So, the farmer placed the abandoned egg in an incubator and waited for it to hatch.

And when it did, a beautiful yellow gosling emerged.

Image: Facebook (محمد سنوسي)

When it came out and saw Mr Muhammed instead of a goose, it wasn’t like YO WHO TF ARE YOU AND WHERE IS MY MUM?

It’s a baby gosling; it doesn’t know any better.

If you were born and saw a large kangaroo standing over you, you wouldn’t question anything, would you? You’d say Hey, you must be my mummy, where is my milk?

So it imprinted on Mr Muhammed. According to PBS, imprinting is a critical period of time early in an animal’s life when it forms attachments and develops a concept of its own identity.

OK, Good Feed writer, thanks for the science lesson but what does this mean?

Well, dear reader, it means that the gosling thinks that Mr.Muhammed is its mum!

Image: Facebook (محمد سنوسي)
Image: Giphy

Mr Muhammed decided to name the little gosling Hazelin, because it hatched during the Great Haze of September.

Gradually, the two became the best of friends and went on adventures together.

Image: Facebook (محمد سنوسي)
Image: Facebook (محمد سنوسي)
Image: Facebook (محمد سنوسي)
Image: Facebook (محمد سنوسي)

They became so close that Hazelin even started getting jealous when Mr Muhammed started texting other goslings.

Image: Facebook (محمد سنوسي)

And the adorable pair started going everywhere together.

Image: Facebook (محمد سنوسي)

The farmer even told World of Buzz that he’s considering opening an Instagram account for Hazelin.

His 12-year-old daughter will run it, of course, because he says he’s not that tech-savvy.

If they keep posting cute pictures like the ones above, they might even overtake the most popular Gosling on Instagram right now.

Image: Giphy

Hey, it’s possible!