Man Injured After Being Hit By Turkish Ice Cream Seller’s Stick at Geylang Serai Bazaar

We gotta admit that the Geylang Serai Bazaar this year has come with a lot of ups and downs – from 22 illegal workers being arrested at the start, to 9 of them being arrested on 8 June 2017, to claims of dog and cat meat satay being sold and now, to a man has been injured after being hit by a Turkish Ice Cream seller’s stick. 

Just yesterday, Facebook user, Derick Chow posted a post on how he was hit by a Turkish Ice Cream Seller’s Stick. The ice cream seller is located near to darul aram at the Geylang Serai Bazaar.

In the Facebook post, Chow is currently seeking for witnesses as there were people filming video footage at the point of the incident.

Turkish ice cream sellers are known for their playful antics when serving the ice cream to their customers, typically using a long-handled metal stick and teasing the customer by repeatedly snatching the ice cream out of their reach while they are trying to grab it. 

If you’ve yet to see one in action, take a look here.

Now, back to the topic. In Chow’s Facebook post, he wrote

“Hi all,

Please help to share around, I’m seeking for witness who happen to be at Bazaar Geylang on the 02 June 2017 and visited the Turkish Ice cream stall, near to darul aram. Any one caught footage of me being hit in action please do contact me if you have a picture or video.

Friends and family do help me to pass this message around. Thank you so much.

Lastly have a blessed holy month ahead.” 

He also posted a photo of his injury which was a 4 cm-long gash on his forehead. The stall vendor had been waving the stick in front of Chow, who was about to collect his ice cream cone, when he was hit and injured by the stick.

In an article by The Straits Times, Chow told the reporters that he took a taxi to Raffles Hospital and received 20 stitches for the wound on his forehead. He also commented that it was “quite deep” and cost him more than $4,000 in medical bills.

Chow is currently in talks with the ice cream stall owner to get money back from the ice cream stall’s insurance. 

Even though it was an accident, Derick is still hoping to get claims from the insurance to aid him in the hefty medical bills. According to him, the owner apparently requested for a footage to claim.

For those who have the video footage, you can also drop Derick a Facebook PM to help him out!

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Featured Image: Facebook (Derick Chow) & Laborant /

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