Man Kept Unlicenced Dogs & Abandoned Them, Leading to a Fine of $4.8K

This is why you should always be sure that you are ready for a pet before even owning one, or in this case, two. 

A 33-year-old man, Tang Yew Liang Joseph was fined S$4,800 for abandoning his pet dogs and for not registering them.

Last Thursday (1 June 2017), the Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) was alerted to a notice of two abandoned dogs at BLK 150, Ubi Ave 4.


Following the complaints, AVA then managed to track down Tang, who admitted to abandoning one of his dogs due to financial difficulties. During the investigations, AVA also found out that Tang did not license both his pet dogs. 

In a press release, AVA mentioned

“Individuals who abandon their pets are liable to a maximum fine of $10,000 and/or 12 months jail term for first convictions. Pet owners who do not license their pet dogs are liable to a maximum fine of $5,000 upon conviction.”

“Safeguarding animal welfare is a shared social responsibility requiring the cooperation of all stakeholders, including the public.”

Thankfully, the unlicensed dogs have since been been taken in by a fosterer and SOSD.

Honestly, he should be charged a heavier penalty for abandoning his pet dogs. I mean, it’s as good as abandoning babies in rubbish chutes and people do go to jail for that.

You don’t see people giving up their babies or putting them up for adoption just because they’re financially incapable of bringing them up, right? 

And like what they always say – to you, they’re just a pet but to them, you’re their world. 

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